Roberto Andrade


Market Modeling Analyst at AFRY Management Consulting

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PV Parks in dump designated territories: A business opportunity

This project downloaded ten years of climate data from Copernicus –the European Union Earth observatory– for two very different countries regarding their amount of sunlight: Spain and Germany, to obtain the energy potential of installing PV panels on land with a land-use designation such as dump. The project objective is to


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Predicting customer defaulting on a loan

Given Home Credit’s default risk data, this project aims to build a classification algorithm that will predict whether or not a client will default on a loan.


Predicting the next items in a grocery ordering & delivering app

Given Instacart’s open source dataset, 3 million Instacart Orders, in which there is information of millions of sales transactions that have been made through the app, it is of interest to try to answer some questions regarding hidden patterns within the data.

The purpose of this project is to answer at least one of the questions: Which item will the user add to the basket next?


Text Summarization with Transformers

Due to the importance Natural Language Processing has, its seemingly limitless potential, and the great amount of models that are now readily available for it, it was of great interest to try and implement one of these models to perform a useful task. This project focused on text summarization.
