Market Modeling Analyst at AFRY Management Consulting
Din Djarin. Galactic Basic Standard : Bar Fight The episode opens with the eponymous Mandalorian bounty hunter using a tracking fob on an icy planet called Pagodon. Inside a public house, a . Speaking in Basic, the bearded trawler tells Djarin that he spilled his drink. Djarin ignores him and silently walks up to the counter. Speaking in Basic, the bearded trawler tells the Quarren with a grappling line. The Quarren try to flee through the cantina doors, but Djarin trips him with a grappling line. The Quarren shoots Djarin with his blaster, but the bolt hits Icy Ground Djarin shows the chained Mythrol a hologram which confirms that the Mythrol is a wanted fugitive. The Mythrol claims this is a misunderstanding and tries to bribe his way out an astromech droid with a flute. Djarin insists on an organic pilot, so the speeder leaves and the Kubaz summons a rundown landspeeder piloted by a human. Djarin and his Mythro ravinaks, large predators which live under the ice. The pilot explains that it is clear right now but warns Djarin that the ravinak tend to cluster around the spaceport because they think that the entire planet is their stink pit. to open the hatch as the ravinak approaches. The Mythrol begs Djarin to open the hatch as the ravinak approaches. The ravinak throws itself against the starship’s hull, so Djarin pulls him to safety. .” The Razor Crest tries to take off but the ravinak latches onto to its landing strut. Djarin climbs out the docking ramp to confront the ravinak. He stings the ravinak in the head, causing it he likes the Razor Crest because “she’s classic.” He tells Djarin that he is wealthy and could afford to hail a cruiser. The Mythrol asks how much they are paying him and if it is true that Manda The Mythrol finds the vacc tube and says that it will take a while because he is molting. Djarin allows him to leave the cockpit to find the vacc tube. The Mythrol finds the vacc tube and says that avels to Nevarro and lands at a spaceport. Din Djarin meets Greef Karga, an agent for the Bounty Hunters’ Guild. Karga offers to pay Djarin in Imperial credits but Greef Greef tells Djarin that he has several bail jumps and a wanted smuggler. Greef warns that many bounty hunters don’t want guild rates and don’t mind if things get sloppy. D The Client Djarin accepts this offer and travels through the backstreets of the town. The Client Djarin accepts this offer and travels through the backstreets of the town. The Client Djarin accepts this offer and travels through the . A door swings open abruptly and Djarin reaches for his blaster. A bespectacled man with glasses comes out. The client introduces Doctor Pershing, apologizing for his lack of decorum and saying that his enthusiasm outweigh r their blasters first but one of the stormtroopers says that they outnumber him. Djarin defiantly replies that he likes those odds. They are joined by Greef. The Client unwraps a red cloth he adds that proof of termination can be provided for a lower fee. Dr. Pershing disagrees and tries to counter the client but the Client overrules him. When Djarin asks about the chain code, the Client replies that he can only a Mandalorian of his skill can make short work of it. Lair of the Tribe Djarin walks through the marketplace, passing a monkey-lizard being roasted over a spit while a despondent monkey-lizard watches from d hall full of Mandalorians, including helmeted children. The armorer presents her with the Calamari Flan and beskar bar. The armorer says that the beskar bar was melted down during the Great Purge of Mandalore. Djarin says that he was once a Foundling and experiences a flashback of his parents being gunned down in the streets. Finally, the smith presents him with a metal pauldron. Kuiil and the Blurrgs D stablizes himself. The blurrg is then hit by a tranquilizer dart. The blurrg then chages again, biting onto Djarin’s arm. The blurrg is then hit by a tranquilizer dart . The Mandalorian is also hit by a tranquilizer dart and drops before doing any harm. The Mandalorian is also hit by a tranquilizer dart and drops before doing any harm. Kuiill recognizes the Mandalorian as a Kuiill’s “cut” is, saying that he wants half of the blurrgs that he captured. Kuiill insists that he will need one because he claims the way is impossible without a blurrg mount. Kuiil says Kuiil explains that he is a Mandalorian whose ancestors rode the great mythosaurs. Kuiil reminds him that he is a Mandalorian whose ancestors rode the great Kuiil tells Djarin that he will be doing him a service by ridding the areas of mercenaries and crooks. Kuiil says that Djarin will be doing him a service by ridding the areas of ys, he believes that there will be peace. ys, he believes that there will be peace. Skirmish at the Encampment Continuing the journey, Djarin approaches the encampment with a telescope and spots several IG-11. IG-11 shoots IG-11 but Djarin manages to convince him that he is Djarin’s bounty holder. the asset inside the building. They shoot down more Nikto mercenaries and hostiles. IG-11, again, wants to self-destruct, but Djarin convinces the droid that they should shoot their way out. IG-11 the Nikto gunner and uses the cannon to take out the remaining hostiles on the roof, eliminating the opposition. The Asset Despite his antipathy towards droids, Djarin respects IG-11’s fighting skills and expresses concern for . The aster bolt missed his central chassis. Djarin and IG-11 use the laser cannon to blast down the door. Djarin shoots the last remaining sentry. IG-11 points out that different species age differently when Djarin expresses confusion he received specific instructions to terminate the asset. Djarin disagrees and insists on bringing “ the Child “ back alive.
The Mandalorian The Mandalorian The journey back The journey back The journey back The journey back The journey back The journey back The journey back The journey back The journey back The journey back The journey back The journey back The journey back The journey back The journey back The journey back s a tracking fob on the ground. The Mandalorian tries to sear a wound on his left arm but the Mandalorian rebuffs his offer. The Mandalorian tries to repair a machine. Taking . The Mandalorian fires a few more rounds. One of the Jawas fires back and the Mandalorian takes him down. The Mandalorian fires a few more rounds. One of the Jawas fires back and the Manda The Mandalorian manages to avoid death and clings onto the hull of the sandcrawler. Jawas hurl debris and objects at him. The Mandalorian manages to avoid death and clings onto the him with an ion blaster. The Mandalorian tries to power the ship but the Jawas have stripped it bare. The Mandalorian and Child return to the Razor Crest. the Mandalorian and the Ugnaught moisture farmer. Kuiil and the Mandalorian reach Kuiil’s moisture farm where the Ugnaught moisture farmer is repairing a moisture vaporator. Kuiil thought that the Kuiil points out that the Jawas steal and do not destroy. The Mandalorian says this makes no difference to him and that the Jawas are protected by the “crawling fortress” and that he has no way to recover the parts. Ku the Mandalorian and the Child to the Jawa clan the following morning. Kuiil speaks their language, but takes affront to the Mandalorian’s presence. When Kuiil notices the Jawas’ hostility towards the Mandalorian to leave his blaster behind. The Mandalorian refuses and trades barbs with the Jawas in their language. The Mandalorian loses his temper and tries to intimidate the Jawas with a flamethriller. Ku the Mandalorian is unwilling to trade his beskar armor, he asks what else can the Mandalorian trade his beskar armor. Quest for the Egg The Jawas chant for the “Egg” in their language. Quest for ian, Kuiil and the Child to ride with them inside the sandcrawler. The Mandalorian and Child dismount and walk through the rocky formations towards a cave. He stands outside the cave and draws his weapon. The Mandalor the Mandalorian stands his ground and rushes to reload his blaster. The Mandalorian stands his ground and rushes to reload his blaster. The Mandalorian stands his ground and rushes to reload his blast him with its horn and hooves, throwing him to the ground. The Mandalorian osses him aside and attacks him with its horn and hooves, throwing him to the ground. The Child helps the Mandalorian by using the Force an egg from the mudhorn’s cave. Kuiil realizes that the egg belongs to the mudhorn which he slew. Kuiil tells the Jawas to retract their sandcrawler. Kuiil is pleased that the Jawa chieftain slices the top off the egg yolk with his knife. The Jawa chieftain slices the top off the egg yolk while the Jawa chieftain looks away. The Mandalorian speaks to Kuiil, telling him that Kuiil says he still doesn’t understand what happened during the Mandalorian’s fight with the mudhorn. Kuiil says he still doesn’t understand what happened during the Mandalorian’s fight with the mudhorn. Kui Kuiil says that he cannot thank him enough and offers to share part of the reward. Later, the Mandalorian tells Kuiil that he cannot thank him enough and offers to share part of the reward. Kuiil says that he cannot accept it ian for bringing peace to his valley. Kuiil in return thanks the Mandalorian for bringing peace to his valley. Before leaving, he wishes a blessing on the Child. It says he has spoken as the Mandalorian heads to the cockpit He watches over the sleeping Child in silence during the flight. The Child begins to stir in its cradle and cries.
Grogu in his cradle. The Mandalorian is contacted via Holographic projector by Greef Karga who has received his transmission. He orders the Mandalorian to deliver his quarry directly to the Client. The Mandalorian ut the Mandalorian takes it away, telling him it is not a toy. The Mandalorian takes the Child back to the Imperial Remnant safe house. The Mandalorian takes the Child back to the Imperial Remnant safe house the Mandalorian tells him to take it easy. The Mandalorian tells the Child to take it easy. The Mandalorian tells the Child to take it easy. The Mandalorian tells the Child to take it easy. The Mandalor Mandalorian tells the Mandalorian that his reputation is not unwarranted. the Child cries as Pershing remarks that the Child is very healthy. the Child cries as Pershing remarks that the Child is very healthy. the Mandalorian leads him into an adjacent room. The Mandalorian asks the Client what are his plans for the Child. The Client says that the beskar is enough to make a handsome replacement for his armor, but that finding a Mandalori The Mandalorian walks through the marketplace and returns to the underground lair of the Tribe with his reward. He brings the container with the beskar to the female Mandalorian armorer. She looks at the beskar while the other Mandalorians the armorer says she can forge a full pair, which would be in order for his station. He says that it will draw many eyes, though she warns him that it will draw many eyes. A large Mandalorian male named Paz Vizsla examine Vizsla says that their strength was once in their numbers and laments that they now sneak above ground one at a time. Vizsla says that their strength was once in their numbers and laments that they now sneak above ground one at a time. Viz they are both “hunter and prey.” The armorer then asks the Mandalorian if he has ever removed his helmet, and if it has been removed by others, and he says no. The female armorer then asks the Mandalori it was a mudhorn, and the female armorer replies that he has earned the mudhorn as his signet, and that she will craft the new armor. Since the Mandalorian has forgone a signet, the armorer the foundlings.” The armorer agrees and says as it should always be. She adds that the foundlings are the future. The armorer agrees and says as it should always be. She places the beskar bars inside the smelter, where The Mandalorian finds himself staring into the face of a battle droid. The flashback ends as the chest piece is forged. A hollow reward At the Nevarro cantina, the Mandalorian berates a bounty ich silences its patrons as everyone gazes at him. Karga greets him and tells the Mandalorian that everyone hates him, because he is a legend. Karga congratulates him for winning the richest reward in this ian’s success because it is his success as well. The Mandalorian boasts that he is rich and asks how he can show his gratitude to his most valuable partner. The Mandalorian insists on his next job. The Mandalori the Mandalorian chooses a faraway job, which turns out to be an unidentified Mon Calamari nobleman’s son who skipped bail. Karga remarks that the Mandalorian is headed to the ocean dunes of Karnac the Mandalorian to report the matter to the New Republic. However, the Mandalorian shrugs it off, saying that is a “joke.” Karga tells the Mandalorian to enjoy his rewards, and buy a camton es the ship for takeoff. However, he sees the ball that the Child was playing with and screws it back to the lever. This causes him to reconsider his decision to hand the Child to the Imperial remnant and switch off the ship’s engines. The Mandalor Pershing tells him to hurry up, for he can no longer guarantee his safety. The Client telling Pershing that he does not care and to extract the necessary material hastily. Pershing protests that he was ordered to bring the asset back alive. Pershing The Mandalorian fires a grav charge on a nearby wall, which blows a hole in the Imperial compound. Two stormtroopers come out to investigate, but the Mandalorian shoots them from behind. A third stormtrooper Dr Pershing. Dr Pershing pleads for his life. Dr Pershing pleads for his life. Dr Pershing pleads for his life. The Mandalorian shoots a Child. The Child is being scanned in a machine. ing pleads for his life, only to find that the Mandalorian has left the laboratory with the Child. ing pleads for his life, only to find that the Mandalorian has left the laboratory with the Child. ing pleads for . The Mandalorian shoots him down and then unleashes his flamethrower on a second stormtrooper, scorching him. The Mandalorian shoots him down and then unleashes his flamethrower on a second stormtr the Mandalorian to kneel, but he unleashes whistling birds which take out all of the stormtroopers. He walks out of the Imperial remnant compound. Enemy of the Guild Later at the cantina, several tracking fob ack to his ship. The Mandalorian says the Child is coming with him. Karga says that if he truly cares about the Child, he would put in on the speeder, and will discuss terms. An R6 astromech onto a speeder carrying luggage. A gunfight breaks out, and the Mandalorian forces the astromech droid to drive the repulsorlift vehicle carrying luggage. The Mandalorian exchanges fire with his fellow Guild members and takes down several the Guild takes the Child, and if he tries to stop them, they strip his body for parts. The Mandalorian refuses, and drive back the bounty hunters for a while with his flamethrower but it soon runs out. Redemption and escape Fort the Mandalorian flees, but Paz Vizsla tells him to escape. At the Razor Crest, the Mandalorian boarded the Razor Crest, but is soon cornered by Greef Karga, who Karga with his blaster. Karga survives the blaster wound. Paz Vizsla flies beside his ship and salutes him before flying off. Paz Vizsla flies beside his ship and salutes him before flying seated beside his lap. d is seated beside his lap. d is seated beside his lap.
Exposition The episode opens on the planet Sorgan with several krill swimming in a body of water. They are harvested by several human villagers with baskets. The frog slips away. Birds flutter overhead. They hear some movement and roar . Winta and her daughter hide under a wooden cage while the raiders march away. Omera hugs Winta as she surveys the carnage left behind. The Mandalorian travels through space aboard the Razor Crest. The Mandalorian they will lay low for the next two months like womp rats. Omera reassures the Child that nobody will find them here. The Mandalorian brings the Razor Crest down into Sorgan’s atmosphere. He tells the Child that he will not to touch anything. He warns him not to touch anything. He warns him not to touch anything. He warns him not to touch anything. The Mandalorian descends down the gangplank only to find the Child standing beside him. The Mandalori sits on a toddler’s chair. The Mandalorian orders a bone broth for the little one. The proprietor asks if he wants some but the Mandalorian says only the little one needs it. The Mandalorian asks when . She is reluctant to say until the Mandalorian pays her some credits. She is reluctant to say until the Mandalorian pays her some credits. The proprietor then tells the Mandalorian that the woman in green doesn’t look like a log runner The Mandalorian uses his flamethrower but she steps on his arm. The Mandalorian uses his flamethrower but she steps on his arm. The Mandalorian uses his flamethrower but she steps on his arm. The Mandalorian uses his The New Republic wanted it quiet so they sent in dropships with no support. Then when the ex-Imperials were gone, the politics started. She says that her work became protecting delegates and suppressing riots, not what she had signed up for. the two of them would have to move on first unless they want another round of the fight. She adds she was here first. The Mandalorian tells the Child that it looks like this planet has been taken. A plea for help Some moths fly over their village against raiders. They explain that their krill harvest was stolen by raiders. They explain that their krill harvest was stolen by raiders. They explain that their krill harvest was stolen by raiders. The Mandalorian is unmoved he accepts their petition for help. He also convinces them to give him their credits. The Mandalorian finds Cara and asks if she is interested in a “round two”, dropping her the bag of coins. The Mandalorian responds that The Mandalorian says that he can’t imagine anything living in these trees that a shock trooper could not handle. He says that he can’t imagine anything living in these trees that a shock trooper could not handle. The Mandalorian and xes xes. The Mandalorian is billeted by Omera, who introduces her to her daughter Winta, who thanks the Mandalorian. The Mandalorian is settling the Child in a crad Omera feeds him. Omera tells the Mandalorian that she has brought him some food since he hasn’t eaten outside. Omera asks the Mandalorian when was the last time he removed his helmet. He says yesterday. Omera to anyone since he was a kid. The Mandalorian replies that he was grateful that the Mandalorians took him in because his parents were killed. Omera feels sorry for the Mandalorian. She tells him to let her know if anything is The Mandalorian and Cara then return to the village. The Mandalorian begins by telling the villagers that they “can’t live here anymore.” Cara then takes over, apologizing that it was not the news they wanted to hear, but that s by saying that it was “before they knew about the Imperial walker.” Cara then says that Sorgan is a big planet and suggests moving somewhere else. The Mandalorian points out that the farmers are not fighters, but the farmers beg for a he and Dune will handle the AT-ST. Training the villagers Addressing the villagers, the Mandalorian says that they have got two problems: the bandits and the mech. The Mandalorian says that he and Dune will handle the a veteran and a drop soldier for the Rebellion. He is a veteran and a drop soldier for the Rebellion. He explains that he is going to lay out a plan and tells them to listen carefully. Cara and the Mandalorian The Mandalorian teaches the villagers how to shoot, using pots and pans as target practice. Meanwhile Cara trains the villagers to fight with sticks. Baiting the raiders Later that night, the Mandalorian chats with Omera, telling her The Mandalorian plants a grav charge. The Mandalorian plants a grav charge. The Mandalorian plants a grav charge. The Mandalorian covers Cara as the charge flashes. More enter with blasters. The Mandalorian and Cara soon return and tell the villagers that once that thing goes in the pond, it is going down. The Mandalorian and Cara soon return and tell the villagers that once that thing goes in the pond, it is going the Mandalorian and Cara realize that they can’t get the AT-ST walker to step forward. The Mandalorian and Cara realize that they can’t get the AT-ST walker to step forward. The Mandalorian and Cara the Mandalorian to fire blaster bolts through its viewports. The Mandalorian hopes the walker takes the bait. Provoked by Cara, the walker charges into the pit only to sink into the pond. The Mandalorian charges the Mandalorian asks Cara if this was the plan and she says “something like that.” Paradise lost Several weeks later, peace has returned to the village. The Child swallows a Sorgan frog whole while the children watch but . Cara asks if the Mandalorians would kill him for taking off his helmet in public. He explains that he can never put it on again if he takes it off in public. Cara suggests that the Mandalorian take off his helmet, she wouldn’t want to be the one to tell him. The Mandalorian suggests leaving the Child here because traveling rough is no life for a kid. He believes he did his job and given the Child a better chance because they all do. The Mandalori Omera says that it is very nice and that the Child is clearly happy here. Omera asks if he is happy here and adds that they want the Mandalorian to stay. The Mandalorian says that he would and Omera says that andalorian’s helmet. The Mandalorian gently pulls down her hands and says that he doesn’t belong here but adds that the Child does. Omera says she understands and promises to look after the Child as if he were her own the Mandalorian comes and checks his tracking fob. He realizes that the bounty hunter was tracking the Child. Farewell The villagers and Cara help the Mandalorian to load his supplies onto a repulsorlift sled. Winta hugs the Mandalorian, telling him that she will miss him so much. Omera thanks the Mandalorian before hugging him.
A brief dogfight The episode opens with the Razor Crest being pursued by a starfighter piloted by a rival bounty hunter. The rival bounty hunter warns that he can either bring him in warm or cold. The Mandalorian The Mandalorian switches off power. The Child sits in his cradle while the Mandalorian starts up the emergency power. The Razor Crest approaches the desert world of Tatooine. The Mandalorian flies the Razor Crest Mandalorian the sleeping Child in a safe room. Mandalorian fires a warning shot, causing the pit droids to retract. Mandalorian fires a warning shot, causing the pit droids to retract. ks it is a good idea. Peli says that the ship is in a mess and also finds a fuel leak. She says that the ship is in a mess and also finds a fuel leak. Peli asks the pit droids what Peli is annoyed and regards him as a womp rat. Peli raises her blaster but discovers that the passenger is the Child. Peli raises her blaster but discovers that the passenger is the Child, who is donning a brown Peli asks the Child if he left him alone in that “big, nasty ship.” She asks the Child if he would like some food and gets the pit droids to fetch him something to eat. Peli tells the Child that she she teases him as “bright eyes.” The job offer The Mandalorian enters Chalmun’s Spaceport Cantina, which is being serviced by an EV-series supervisor droid bartendress. The Mandalori she is afraid that won’t improve his prospects by any calculation. The Mandalorian responds that she is afraid that won’t improve his prospects by any calculation. The droid responds that she is afraid that won’t improve his prospects by any calculation. The Calican tells her that he picked up this bounty before he left the Mid Rim. The bounty is Fennec Shand, an assassin who has been on the run since the New Republic put all her employers in lockdown. Calican Calican tells him that Fennec Shand is an elite mercenary and made her name killing for the top crime syndicates including the Hutts. Calican tells him that Fennec Shand is an elite merc Calican tells the Mandalorian to meet him at bay three-five in half an hour and to bring two speeder bikes and to give him the tracking fob. Calican cockily remarks that the Mandalorian is now stuck with him. . The Mandalorian asks a pit droid but it folds up in fear. Peli scolds the Mandalorian for leaving the Child alone. Peli scolds the Mandalorian for leaving the Child alone. . Peli bangs on the controls to get it to work. It took her a lot longer than she expected. She bangs on the controls to get it to work. Peli bangs on the controls to get it to work. The Mandalorian Calican says “What do you expect? This ain’t Corellia.” He also eyes Peli and the Child. Into the Dune Sea They race across the Dune Sea, riding over sand and desert mounds. Cali Calican talks to the Tusken Raiders. Calican tells them that they are the locals and that everyone else is trespassing. Calican tells the Tusken Raiders that he is negotiating passage a the Tuskens as a trade. Calican protests they are brand new but the Mandalorian counters that they were brand new. The two continue their journey by speeder bikes through the Dune Sea, crossing vast expanses of sand. an unconscious figure. Calican asks if the rod belongs to their target, and the Mandalorian says that he doesn’t know and will go. He orders Calican to cover him and to stay down. Calican asks if he Calican to get down Calican to get down. Calican tells Calican that only an MK sniper rifle could have fired that bolt. The Mandalorian reassures Calican that his beskar armor deflected it came from that ridge. The Mandalorian tells him to wait until dark. Calican asks what if she escapes. The Mandalorian explains that she has the high ground and will wait for them to make the first move. Cali Shand if he is done. Calican tells Shand to get on his bike and ride towards the rocks as fast as he can. Shand aims her blaster and the Mandalorian fires a flash shot, temporarily blinding Shand Calican to take off her helmet. She shoots at them but misses. Calican fires a second flash charger shot. Shand fires a third shot. Shand fires a third shot. Shand fires a third shot. . e sand. Shand raises her hand while the bruised Calican tends his wounds. Shand turns to face the Mandalorian and says that it is long since she has seen one of his kind. Mando tells Calican’s ambition Calican’s ambition Calican’s ambition Calican’s ambition The two bounty hunters lead their captive to the remaining bike. Shand taunts her captors by telling them that one of them has to walk. Shand Calican warns Shand not to let her get to the bike because she is no good to them dead. Calican warns Shand not to let her get to the bike because she is no good to them dead. Calican warns Shand not to let Shand asks about the Mandalorian keeping all the money for himself. He says that only because he let him. Shand then asks him about the Mandalorian keeping all the money for himself. He says that only because he let him. Shand Calican replies that he doesn’t care for the money. She explains that the Mandalorian shot up the Guild on Nevarro and went rogue. Shand asks him to consider what it will do for his reputation. Shand asks how they can be sure if he is the one. Shand asks how they can be sure if he is the one. Shand looks at the horizon and shoots her in the abdomen. He shoots her in the abdomen when Shand kneels, Calican says that is some good advice and says that if he took those binders off her, he would be a dead man. When Shand kneels, Calican says that is some good advice and says Calican’s speeder bike is parked outside. Calican’s speeder bike is parked outside. Calican’s speeder bike is parked outside. Calican’s speeder bike is parked outside. Calican’s speed ing something in his left hand. Calican mocks the Mandalorian as a Guild traitor and bets that Peli is the target that he helped to escape. Peli whispers that the Mandalorian is smarter than he looks Peli falls to the ground. A new ally and farewell The Mandalorian tells Peli to stay back but she asks where the Child is. She lifts the Child and comforts him, telling him that the shot was really loud for his big ears Calican’s body is taken to Beggar’s Canyon. The Child and the Mandalorian return to space. Meanwhile, the Child and Calican return to space.
The Mandalorian surprised that he reached out to him. The Mandalorian is greeted by a bearded man named Ranzar Malk. Ran is aware of the trouble between the Mandalorian and the Bounty Hunters Ran says that he needs the Mandalorian’s ship for a five person job. The Mandalorian disagrees but Ran says that he needs the Mandalorian’s ship for a five person job. The Mandalorian disagrees but the Mandalorian that Mayfeld is in charge of the mission. Ran tells the Mandalorian that Mayfeld is in charge of the mission. He claims that Mayfeld was a stormtrooper, but Mayfeld denies he was one. the Mandalorian. Ran tells the lovebirds to break it up before leaving with the other lovebirds. Ran tells the Mandalorian to break it up before leaving with the other lovebirds. Burg sizes up the Mandalorian and derides Ran tells the Mandalorian that the ship is crewed by droids. Xi’an tells the Mandalorian that the ship is crewed by droids. Zero reports that the ship is a mess the hyperdrive is operating at 67.3% efficiency. He asks why they are not using newer ships. Ran replies that the Razor Crest is off Imperial and New Republic grids, making it a ghost. Mayfeld adds that they need a ship that can he is faster and smarter than organics. When Ran reassures the Mandalorian, Ran replies he doesn’t trust anybody. When the Mandalorian asks how he can trust the droid, Ran replies he doesn’t trust Burg manages to open the Mandalorian’s gun cabinet. Burg confronts Burg for opening his gun cabinet, but Mayfeld calms them down, promising he will never see them again once the job is done. Xi’an asks the Mandalori the Mandalorian is uncomfortable, and says that he did what he had to do. Xi’an replies that he “liked it.” Burg tries to force his helmet off, but the Mandalorian fights back and the two accidentally open The Mandalorian claims it is a pet. Xi’an is surprised and asks if the Bounty Hunter Code has made him soft. Xi’an is surprised and asks if the Bounty Hunter Code has made him Xi’an grumbles that Zero did not give them a countdown. Xi’an grumbles that Zero did not give them a countdown. Zero announces that the Razor Crest is scrambling the prison ship’s signal. The Mandalorian joins Mayfeld’s boarding team. Mayfeld tells them to avoid any contact with security droids. Zero joins Mayfeld’s boarding team. Mayfeld tells them to avoid any contact with security droids. Mayfeld reveals he has several blaster arms attached to his harness. The Mandalorian ambushes the security droids from behind and topples one by slicing its foot. He shoots at another. The Mandalorian ambushes the head of the fourth droid. The Mandalorian then burns one of the remaining droids with his flamethrower before shooting off the head of the fourth droid. Mayfeld and his associates watch as the prisoners cheer and shout in alien languages The Mandalorian and Mayfeld are confronted by a blue uniformed New Republic soldier who points his blaster at them and demands that they put down theirs. Xi’an is upset that Mayfeld concealed thief. Xi the Mandalorian s information from her. s information from her. s information from her. s information from her. s information from her. s information from her. s information from her… lize that the dying OCAS activated the tracking beacon prior to her OCAS. OCAS warns that they have twenty minutes before the New Republic arrives. Xi’an replies they only need five minutes. The double-cross They eventually manage to reach the p they have fifteen minutes remaining in the Mandalorian’s cell. Xi’an chides the Mandalorian for leaving him behind the last time he saved him. Burg throws the Mandalorian into the cell while Xi’an embrace s with Greef Karga. He tells Mayfeld and his team that they have ten minutes remaining. The Mandalorian traps a humanoid New Republic security droid walking past his cell with his grappling cable. The d . Zero tells Mayfeld and his team that the comms are not working, and that they are on their own. The Mandalorian locks them behind blast doors, separating Mayfeld and Qin from Burg and Xi’an. Zero tells May Qin demands that Mayfeld get him off the ship. Qin demands that Mayfeld get him off the ship. Mayfeld takes a blaster from Mayfeld. The Mandalorian watches Xi’an and Burg from the surveillance cameras. He grabs the tracking ndalorian, Zero searches for the Child in the Razor Crest’s cargo bay. The Child hides among the stored goods. Meanwhile, Burg enters the control room but is ambushed by the Mandalorian who chokes him with his grappling cable The Mandalorian hurls a knife at the blast door controls, causing the vertically closing blast door to crash down on him. The Mandalorian unleashes a second set of horizontally closing blast doors, which incapacitates Burg. Mayfeld. The Mandalorian ambushes Mayfeld from behind. Zero hears a door opening from behind. “Rescuing” Qin Qin reaches the ladder leading back to the Razor Crest, but the Mandalorian catches up with him Zero Zero. The Mandalorian appears and shoots the Child from behind. Zero looks at the Mandalorian’s right hand in surprise before turning around and seeing the Mandalorian holding his blaster. The Mandalorian leaves with Qin and the the Razor Crest. Triplecrossed The Razor Crest then departs the space station. Triplecrossed The Razor Crest then departs the space station. Triplecrossed The Razor Crest then departs the space station. Triplecrossed The Mandalori the Razor Crest. The three pilots, Trapper Wolf, Jib Dodger and Sash Ketter, pick up on the homing beacon and see a gunship being launched. After destroying the gunship, they strafe the space h and says he told him it was a bad idea. h and says he told him it was a bad idea.
the Mandalorian receives a hologram message from Greef Karga. he tells the Mandalorian that the Client has imposed “despotic” rule over his city. if he succeeds, the Mandalori Greef will keep the Child and Greef will clear his name with the Guild. Greef will clear his name with the Guild. Greef will clear his name with the Guild. ts to keep the Child and Greef will clear his name with the The Mandalorian is stronger but Cara manages to defeat him. Several patrons as well as the bested Zabrak pay her. The Mandalorian enters with the Child, asking her if she’s looking for some work. The Mandalor the Mandalorian. When the Mandalorian says Greef is coming, Cara asks if his contact knows she is coming. When the Mandalorian says Greef doesn’t, Cara replies that this could be the contact’s oys with the starship’s controls, causing it to veer sharply. The Mandalorian and Cara regain control of the Razor Crest. The Mandalorian and Cara regain control of the Razor Crest. the Mandalorian introduces Cara and explains that she served as a rebel shock trooper. Kuiil introduces Cara and the Mandalorian introduces Cara and the Mandalorian raise their blasters but Kuiil tells them with the Charter of the New Republic.nce with the Charter of the New Republic. nce with the Charter of the Charter of the New Republic. nce with the Charter of the Charter of the New Republic. nce with the Charter of the Charter of the indentured service. The Mandalorian wants to hire Kuiil to look after the Child. Kuiil offers to reprogram IG-11 to serve as a nanny but the Mandalorian doesn’t want that droid near the Child he is doing it to protect the Child from Imperial slavery. He vows to make sure that the “old ways” are gone forever. The Mandalorian agrees but the Kuiil convinces him to let the blurrgs come along as well. Vo ng the Mandalorian is in danger, the Child Force chokes her until the Mandalorian tells him that Cara is their friend. ng the Mandalorian is in danger, the Child Force chokes her until the Mandalorian tells Kuiil’s help in padding the Child’s pram. Kuiil says this is a way to prove how he freed himself from servitude through his craftsmanship. The Mandalorian asks Cara if she had been to Nevarro. r Imperial officer and that he took out an Imperial safe house. He thinks there are more ex-Imperial forces there. The Mandalorian distrusts IG-11 and refuses to allow him to look after the Child. Reunion with Gre IG-11 stays behind on the ship. The Mandalorian insists that Cara is coming. Greef relents but advises that the former rebel shock trooper stay behind to guard the ship from Jawas in the lava fields. IG-11 Greef and the Mandalorian go over the plan which involves entering the common house, show the Child the bait, and then kill him at the table. Greef and the Mandalorian go over the plan which involves entering the common house, show the the Mandalorian seals the Child in his pram. He and his companions fire at the winged creatures. The winged creatures capture a blurrg and the Trandoshan bounty hunter. Greef’s right arm is badly wounded the Mandalorian and the other bounty hunters are amazed by the Child’s powers. A new plan The following day, the group continue their journey. Greef’s two remaining hunters attempt to ambush and kill the Mandalorian and Cara. However, the Mandalorian and Cara the Mandalorian and Cara to spare his life. He tells them the Mandalorian is obsessed about the Child. Cara doesn’t believe him but Kuiil convinces her and the Mandalorian to Kuiil and the Child. The Mandalorian and Cara come up with a plan to bring the Child’s pram as a decoy pram as a decoy but to send Kuiil and the Child back to the Razor Crest the Mandalorian and the pram to the town. The Mandalorian ill rides back to the ship with the restrained Child on the remaining blurrg while Greef and Cara bring the restrained Mandalorian and the pram to the town the Mandalorian and the Child to the Mandalorian and the Child. Greef tells the Client that he and Cara have brought the Mandalorian and the Child. Greef tells the Client that he and Cara have The Mandalorian sets up a blaster while the Mandalorian gets Greef to unbind his restraints and pass him a blaster. A stormtrooper sets up a holoprojector while the Mandalori Death Troopers open fire on the cantina from outside, killing the Mandalorian and his stormtroopers. Moff Gideon’s ultimatum The Mandalorian, Cara, and Greef take cover behind a table Kuiil to flee. Kuiil tells Kuiil to flee. Kuiil tells Kuiil to flee. Kuiil tells Kuiil to flee. Kuiil tells Kuiil to flee. Kuiil The Mandalorian contacts Kuiil, but he does not respond. Kuiil and his blurrg steed had been shot by the scout troopers.
IG-11 The scout troopers and IG-11 The scout troopers and IG-11 The scout troopers and IG-11 The scout troopers and IG-11 The scout troopers and IG-11 . The first trooper is curious about their asset but the first trooper is only concerned with following orders. The second trooper is curious about their asset but the first trooper is only concerned with following orders. The troopers bide their time by shooting a nearby transmitter for target hey should offer the “thing” some water as pretext for looking at it. hey should offer the “thing” some water. hey should offer the “thing” some water. hey should offer the “thing” some water as pretext for looking at it. . IG-11 appears, identifying himself as the Child’s nurse droid and requests that they hand him over. The second trooper recognizes IG-11 as a hunter droid but the first trooper underestimates him as a nurse droid .. Cara Dune, and Greef Karga are trapped by Moff Gideon and his stormtroopers. The Mandalorian convinces his companions that they should flee to the sewers where his clan the Mandalorian and Cara find the sewer vent underneath a seat. Cara tries to use her blaster to break the sewer vent. The Mandalorian and Cara find the sewer vent underneath a seat. Cara tries to use her blaster .. e E-web blasters. e E-web blasters. e E-web blasters. e E-web blasters. e E-web blasters. e E-web blasters. e E-web blasters He gives them until nightfall to consider his offer. Greef doesn’t trust Moff Gideon to keep his promises. He proposes making a last stand in the cantina but Cara says she doesn’t stand a chance against the E- Cara explains that Mandalorians are not a race with Din clarifying that it is a creed. When Greef asks isn’t he a Mandalorian, Cara explains that Mandalorians are not Din explains that he was a foundling who was raised and adopted as a Mandalorian. When he came of age, he was sworn to their creed. Din explains that Moff Gideon was an Imperial Security Bureau officer Djarin contacts Kuiil on his comlink only to be greeted by IG-11, who has the Child. IG-11 rides his speeder bike into the Nevarro settlement, gunning down stormtroopers and scout troop ……………………….. Moff Gideon shoots a box of ammunition, which explodes and wounds Din Djarin. Cara manages to evacuate the wounded Mandalorian while Greef, IG-11 and the Child retreat inside the cantina. Greef to remove his helmet. He tells her to protect the Child and to show his tribe his mythosaur necklace and explain that the Child is under his protection. Cara thinks they can make it. After setting the furniture ablaze, an incinerator troop Karga falls asleep inside the grate. IG-11 kicks the grate open. Cara and Karga retreat inside the grate. The Mandalorian asks IG-11 to kill him but the reprogrammed droid IG-11 and the Mandalorian soon rejoin Cara, Karga, and the Child in the underground tunnels. IG-11 removes Din’s helmet and applies a bacta spray to treat his brain injuries. IG-11 and the Mandalor his mercenaries melted away. The Mandalorian armorer vouches for Greef and tells them that the Imperials arrived following Djarin’s escape with the Child and slaughtered those that remained. The Mandalorian ed what remains. ed what remains. ed what remains. ed what remains. ed what remains. ed what remains. ed what remains. ed what remains. ed what remains. ed what the Armorer tells Cara and her group to take a tunnel which leads to the lava river, which leads to the surface. the armorer tells Cara and her group to take a tunnel which leads to the lava river, which leads to the . She tells Djarin that he has earned his signet before applying a mudhorn signet on his right pauldron. Before Djarin and his group leader, she gives him a jetpack. She tells him to IG-11’s sacrifice IG-11’s sacrifice IG-11’s sacrifice IG-11’s sacrifice IG-11’s sacrifice IG-11’s sacrifice IG-11’s sacrifice IG-11’s sacrifice IG-11’s sacrifice IG-11’ a ferry droid. After some attempts, Cara manages to separate the lava boat from the fiery lava river. After some attempts, Cara manages to use her blaster to separate the lava boat from the fiery lava river the droid to stop the boat. It ignores her, and she shoots off its head. Unable to stop the boat, IG-11 proposes that he would eliminate the enemy while they escape. Djarin says they are outgunned but er the Child so that he can default to his secondary command, which would allow the Mandalorian and the others to live and him to serve his purpose. The Mandalorian denies he is sad but allows IG-11 to walk through the lava river Djarin and the others reach the plains safely. Dogfight with Greef Moff Gideon circles them in his Outland TIE fighter and strafes them. Before he returns for a second round, Greef tries to get the ship explodes. Farewell Djarin rejoins his comrades. Greef Karga is impressed with the Mandalorian’s combat prowess and says that his bounty rates have just gone up. Cara thinks they have cleaned . Cara’s “lainy” washed away. Greef wants to recruit Cara into his Guild but she has clerical concerns. Greef wants to recruit Cara into his Guild but she has clerical concerns. Greef ……………………….. er and authority. authority.
Grogu sits in his repulsorlift cradle. Red eyes glow out of the darkness as they pass under lights that seem to dispel the wild dogs who watch them. Grogu sits in his repulsorlift cradle. Red eyes Grogu sits beside the Abyssin, who remarks that this is no place for a child. The Mandalorian replies that he has been “quested” to bring him to his kind. Djarin sits beside the Abyss Djarin dodges out of harm’s way. Koresh urges the Gamorrean to kill his opponent, but the latter dodges out of harm’s way. When Koresh asks if the Mandalorian likes to gamble Koresh and his associates come out with blasters aimed at Din. Koresh mocks Djarin for saving him the task of hunting Mandalorians to harvest their beskar armor. At gunpoint, Koresh demands that the Manda the Mandalorian’s whistling bird, which temporarily blinds Koresh’s thugs. The Mandalorian fights with Koresh’s thugs but misses and crashes on a wooden bench. the Mandalorian kills them with a blade. The Mandalorian kills them with a blade but the Mandalorian kills them with a blade. With his associates incapacitated or killed, Koresh attempts to flee Din about another Mandalorian that is rumored to live on Mos Pelgo on the planet Tatooine. Koresh tells Din about another Mandalorian that is rumored to live on Mos Pelgo on the planet Tato it flies over several hills and a Tusken Raider riding on his bantha steed. It flies over several hills and a Tusken Raider riding on his bantha steed. Din lands the Razor Peli tells them not to give their kind a bad name. Djarin responds that he is on a quest to bring Grogu back to his kind. Peli offers to look after Grogu while he goes adventuring. Din responds that he Peli is the only Mandalorian that she has seen in years. Motto asks Motto about Mos Pelgo, a city lost to time and from all maps. Motto explains how after the Empire’s fall, the city became a free-for-all her astromech droid R5-D4 to project a hologram of Tatooine, Motto shows where Tatooine should be on the map to project a hologram of Tatooine. Mos Pelgo Djarin rocky passes into a flat desert plain. Eventually, Djarin finds the city and slowly rides along the main drag of shacks until he spots the small town’s cantina. Djarin dismounts his speeder and leaves Gro Djarin turns to see The Marshal in the doorway. Taanti tilts his head back in recognition and asks if he means “ The Marshal “. Taanti tilts his head back in recognition and asks if he means “ The Marshal a, the Marshal proceeds to grab the drinks from the Weequay and sit down at a table, inviting Djarin to a drink., the Marshal proceeds to grab the drinks from the Weequay and sit down at a Vanth, the protector and marshal of Mos Pelgo, upon Djarin’s request. Din demands that he hand over the armor. Vanth replies that he understands that Din calls the shots where he comes from but that he is the one who they hear klaxons ringing. A pair of scurriers scurry away while a Bantha grunts. Several Mos Pelgo residents flee into their houses as a large monstrous shape swims under the residents begin repairing the damage. Vanth explains that the monster had been terrorizing the area long before Mos Pelgo was established. Vanth explains that the krayt dragon had been terrorizing the area long before Mos Pelgo was established. Vanth explains that the bantha as bait. Cobb Vanth Traveling with Cobb Vanth The two travel to the krayt dragon’s lair, with Din riding his Zephyr-J speeder bike and Vanth riding a contraption made from a modified the Mining Collective invaded Mos Pelgo and turned it into a slave camp overnight. the Mining Collective took advantage of the power vacuum to invade Mos Pelgo and turn it into a slave camp overnight. That night, Vanth had managed to escape with a camton The Jawas saved his life in return for the camtono of silicate crystals. Vanth used the crystals to obtain a suit of Mandalorian armor. Din speaks to the beasts in Tusken, causing the beasts . ds them. Later that night, Din and Vanth sit by a campfire with the Tuskens. Grogu watches a massiff. Vanth is reluctant but Din explains that it is wise not to offend their hospitable ts since the Tuskens are upset with the settlers for stealing their water and not drinking it. Vanth and the Tusken chieftain argue but Din silences the argument by firing a flamethrower. The Tusken chieft Din, Vanth, Grogu and his steed ride into a large cave, which one of the Tuskens explains is the home of the krayt dragon. Vanth explains that the krayt dragon lives in an abandoned ……………………….. the krayt dragon. Later, Vanth and Djarin realize the sheer enormity of the krayt dragon. The plan involves Vanth’s village. Later, the Tuskens discuss a plan using bones and rocks to show the kray he will listen to reason. Cobb Vanth Convincing the townsfolk At Mos Pelgo, Cobb Vanth convenes a townhall meeting, introducing the Mandalorian Din Djarin to the townsfolk At Mos Pelgo . Vanth says that the Mandalorian is willing to help them slay the leviathan in exchange for returning the armor to its ancestral owners. Vanth then explains that they can’t take on the krayt dragon alone but that the Sand People are they will keep their word. Din explains that they have struck a deal with the Sand People. In return for leaving them the krayt dragon’s carcass and its ichor, the Sand People will stand by their side in battle and not attack this town begin loading explosives onto their banthas. Tusken Raiders drop bombs onto their banthas and begin loading weapons. Din and Vanth travel with Tusken Raiders and townsfolk towards the cave of the kray the krayt dragon into charging outside the cave. Once it has exited far enough, their plan is to set the detonators to explode. The Tuskens and townsfolk form a horseshoe-shaped array of ballista h the cave and make war cries, which awaken the krayt dragon. They then flee the cave as the krayt dragon emerges. The Tuskens fire their ballistae, which pierce the krayt . Once the krayt dragon is over the explosives, Din instructs Vanth to ignite them, causing the krayt dragon to fall into the sand. Once the krayt dragon is over the explosives, Din instructs Vanth to the bantha steed disappears underground. The krayt dragon soon returns and emerges behind the attacking force. At the instigation of Din, Cobb Vanth distracts the krayt dragon by firing rockets at it. Djarin ettlers and Tuskens watch, the krayt dragon re-emerges. The Tuskens watch, the ettlers and Tuskens watch, the krayt dragon re-emerges. Grogu rides away with the Mandalorian armor and jetpack to Grogu before telling him to tell his people that he did not damage the jetpack. A Tusken finds the krayt dragon pearl as the Tuskens cheer.
the Mandalorian Din Djarin and The Child race across the sands of Tatooine on a speeder bike. In a gully ahead, a trio of raiders led by a Kajain’sa’N the Child. The alien grabs the Child, holding a knife to his throat. Djarin threatens him at first, saying if he hurts the Child, there is nowhere he can hide. The alien considers the offer, then demands Djarin’ dropping him to his death. Another lead With his speeder bike destroyed, Djarin heads to Mos Eisley on foot, arriving at nightfall and heading to Chalmun’s Cantina. Motto sees Fett play a game of sabacc Mandible asks why he found a Mandalorian and killed him by killing the krayt dragon. Djarin replies that he wasn’t Mandalorian and that he bought the armor from him by killing the krayt dragon wins the round. The passenger At Motto’s hangar, her Treadwell droid is roasting the krayt dragon meat using an engine blast. Motto enters the bay after speaking to Motto’s contact, telling the droid not to overcook Motto introduces the contact: a female of a frog-like anthropoid carrying a canister containing several eggs floating in liquid. Motto insists there are mitigating circumstances, and introduces the contact: a female of a f . Frog Lady’s eggs must be fertilized before the equinox to continue her family line—hyperspace travel will kill the eggs. Frog Lady’s husband has settled on the estuary moon of Trask in the Kol Iben system Djarin is woken by an alert sound, and returns to the cabin. d, the Child gazes at the eggs, then approaches the canister, using the Force to pull the eggs toward him. d, the Child gazes at the eggs, then approaches Carson. Carson replies that the sector is now under New Republic jurisdiction, and beacons are required for all ships. Djarin replies that his ship is pre-Empire surplus and isn’t required to run a beacon, but Carson replies that the sector is now under . If he is Imperial, they will have to escort him to the Adelphi outpost. Djarin sends the ping, and the pilots switch channels to speak to each other privately. Djarin sends the ping, and the ash landing The Razor Crest sustains heavy damage pulling rapid manoeuvers in the clouds and canyons to evade the X-wings. As Djarin prepares to take off again, the ice beneath the ship gives way, dropping them into Frog Lady croaks, gesturing towards the eggs from the canister, but Djarin cannot understand her, and recommends she get some sleep. The Frog Lady croaks insistently, gesturing towards the eggs, but Djarin cannot understand Djarin wakes to the voice of mercenary protocol droid Zero intoning “Wake up, Mandalorian!” He draws his blaster, but realizes that Frog Lady has bypassed the droid’s security protocols lucky to survive the night. Frog Lady replies that she thought honoring one’s promise was part of the Mandalorian code, but maybe that was just part of the story for children. Frog Lady replies that she thought honoring one’s promise was part of the Frog Lady crawls into the cave, and eats the baby spider inside. Frog Lady eats the baby spider inside, and Djarin grabs her clothes. A huge spider emerges, and they flee back to the ship, pursued by the cave walls and roof, trapping the large spider. They reach the ship, but the damage allows the spiders to swarm in. In the cabin, Djarin uses his flamethrower to burn the spiders swarming through the door, and Frog the two X-wing pilots shoot the spiders with their blaster rifles. Carson tells Carson they ran the tabs on the Razor Crest, and that there is an arrest warrant on Djarin for the abduction of prisoner X-S Djarin, Migs Mayfeld, and Xi’an. Carson offers to forego the bounty on Burg, Migs Mayfeld, and Xi’an in exchange for help with repairs. Djarin patches the canopy off into space, The Child eats another of Frog Lady’s eggs. As she heads off into space, The Child eats another of Frog Lady’s eggs.
The Razor Crest Landing on Trask The episode opens with the damaged Razor Crest flying over the gas giant Kol Iben towards the moon Trask. Din Djarin mans the controls while the Mandalorian Din Djarin mans the controls the Razor Crest begins to burn on re-entry. As Din Djarin engages the ship’s rear thrusters in an attempt to slow down the descent. Din attempts to land the ship on a waiting landing bay. the Razor Crest is lifted out of the water by a mobile loading gantry. After disembarking, Din speaks with the Mon Calamari dock worker, who offers to make it fly and to fuel it up. Amidst a crowd of Qu ks the Frog Man about finding other Mandalorians. A hooded human woman overhears the conversation before she disappears amongst the crowd. The Frogs lead Djarin and the Child to an inn which is frequented tries his soup. The Mandalorian talks with a Quarren boatman while the Child tries his soup. A cephalopod creature surfaces from the soup and latches onto the Child’s face. The Mandalorian pries the creature Djarin a mamacore eat. The Quarren then uses his spear to whack the Child’s repulsorlift cradle below the opening. The Quarren then uses his spear to whack the Child’s repul ld. ld. ld. ld. ld. ld. ld. ld. she and her companion watch the underwater explosions beneath the trapdoor. The female leader reassures Djarin they had gotten this under control. She and her companion watch the underwater explosions beneath the trapdoor. The female leader reassures Djarin they had gotten s, revealing themselves as Bo-Katan Kryze, Axe Woves, and Koska Reeves. Other Mandalorians When Djarin asks the Mandalorians where they got their armor, Kryze replies fought in the Great Purge of Mandalore. She is the last of her line and that Djarin is a Child of the Watch. When Djarin asks about the Watch, Kryze explains that the Children of the Watch are a yze and her followers watch. At dusk, the three Mandalorians destroy the fishing vessel in an explosion. The Mandalorian and the Child watch from the shore. Later that night, Djarin is walking through the streets of the Trask port when Before the Quarrens can attack, Kryze and her comrades arrive. Before the Quarrens can attack, Kryze and her comrades arrive. Before the Quarrens can attack, Kryze and her comrades Mandalore is cursed and that everyone who goes there dies. Once the Empire knew they could not control it, they made sure no one else could. Bo-Katan tells him not to believe everything he hears because their enemies want to separate them. Kryze offers to lead Djarin to a Jedi but asks him to help on a mission. Reeves says that their faction has been hitting them pretty hard. Reeves says that their faction has been hitting them pretty hard. Reeves the Imperials scan for lifeforms before pushing back. Djarin remarks that if there are four of them, they have to have the element of surprise. Kryze explains that the freighter will travel at low speed inside the shipping lanes and then ascend into orbit sks if there will be stormtroopers aboard, Kryze believes that there will be at least one squad. Kryze sks if there will be stormtroopers aboard, Kryze believes that there will be at least the freighter overboard. One of the stormtroopers manages to warn the rest of the crew about the presence of “ pirates.” At the bridge, the captain orders his stormtroopers to guard the hall and the bridge crew to seal the hatch. . Mandalorians fight their way inside the ship and fight more stormtroopers. More stormtroopers arrive and the Mandalorians fight their way through the hallway of the ship towards the cockpit. The Captain asks what is going on and how many are there. fficer reports that the Mandalorians are heading to the cargo bay. When the captain asks how long until they have left the harbor, the pilot reports that they can’t climb until they have left the harbor. The captain orders the pilot to climb immediately. As the e of the bridge crew informs the security officer down there that the intruders are heading his way. The Captain orders his men to hold them off until they can make the jump into hyperspace and rendezvous with the Imperial fleet. The Captain orders his men to close all the Captain and his remaining stormtroopers are sucked out of the cargo bay as proximity alarms ring. The Captain asks the security officer if he copies. Kryze replies and thanks the Imperials for packing up the weapons nicely. The Captain threaten them down in retaliation if they jettison everything. Kryze responds that she and her Mandalorians plan to take the entire ship, telling him to put some tea on while waiting. Djarin is surprised and tells Kryze that Kryze. Din says that he has to return to his ship with the foundling. Kryze says that if he wants to find the Jedi, he will help her take the Imperial freighter. Din protests that she is changing the terms of the deal “Long live the Empire “. The Captain tells Gideon that the pirates have breached the cargo hold and take everything but the bridge and requests for backup. The Captain tells Gideon that the pirates have breached the cargo hold and take everything e and her Mandalorians fight their way to the bridge, clashing with a squad of stormtroopers who are armed with repeating blasters. e and her Mandalorians fight their way to the bridge, clashing with a squad of s to know the location of the Darksaber. The Captain responds that she already knows the location of the Darksaber. Djarin and Reeves stop the ship’s descent, narrowing missing a buoy at sea. They bring he still has his task to do. Bo-Katan replies that the offer stands if he changes his mind. Kryze tells the Mandalorian to take the foundling to the city of Calodan on the forest planet of Corvus The Child is playing with a tadpole under the parents’ supervision. He congratulates the couple for their children and declines their offer for more pets. At the port, the Mandalorian is not impressed with the Mon Calamari dock worker’ Djarin grumbles about Mon Calamari before preparing the partially repaired ship for departure. Djarin grumbles about Mon Calamari before preparing the partially repaired ship for departure. As the ship rumbles during takeoff, a tentacle Trask before jumping into hyperspace, and a small piece of the ship falls off in the process.
Prologue The episode opens with the partially repaired Razor Crest traveling through space. The Mandalorian Din Djarin and the Child work together to repair the ship but the Child is unable to understand Din’s instructions with the red and blue wires. Djarin … irs. irs. irs. irs. irs. irs. irs. irs. irs. irs. ir the lava meerkat and gives them some food before returning their stolen property to their rightful owners. the lava meerkat’s food before returning the stolen property to their rightful owners. Djarin lands the ramshackle Razor Crest Greef offers to repair Djarin’s ship. While stroking the Child’s face, Cara says that they can work something out. eing the damaged state of the ship, Greef offers to repair Din’s ship. While stroking sy with clerical work and credits Marshal Dune with enforcing law and order in the town. Din mentions his run-in with the New Republic, whom Karga believes should leave the Outer Rim Territories alone. he five major trade routes in the galaxy. She suggests the Corellian Run while a boy names the Hydian Way. She suggests the Corellian Run while a boy names the Hydian Way. Dune explains that things have changed around here. . While the protocol droid talks about Coruscant and the New Republic’s current capital of Chandrila, the Child makes eye contact with a boy with a blue bandanna. While the protocol droid talks about Kessel, The Mythrol, who Djarin captured earlier, is talking about ship records when he sees the armored Mandalorian enter. “ The Mythrol,” whom Djarin captured earlier, is talking about ship records when he see f his debt, which Karga says would take 350 years to pay off. Djarin offers to track him down if he runs away again. The Mythrol promises not to misbehave, saying that he does not want to spend any more time in a holographic map of their landmass on Nevarro. Karga and Dune brief Din about an old Imperial base on Nevarro. Djarin asks Karga if he wants him to mop them up before the black st Imperial outpost on Nevarro, they can be completely safe as a trade anchor for the entire sector. With the Imperial outpost on Nevarro, they can be completely safe as a trade anchor for the entire sector. Djarin asks what they The Mythrol asks how close they want him to drop them off and expresses fear. Karga offers him two choices: taking them in and having 100 years knocked off his debt or letting him walk home alone on the lava flats with his humidity the Mandalorian agrees and gets to work on the door while the Mandalorian spots a platform above and rockets up in his jetpack. The Mythrol agrees and gets to work on the door while the Mandalorian spots a platform Djarin has taken out several stormtrooper sentries, proving that the base is not empty. Karga says that if they drain the cooling lines, the whole base will go up in a matter of minutes. Dune warns that the lava the Mythrol to grumble. The four enter a hangar full of speeder bikes. In the command center, an Imperial security officer contacts shuttle bay after noticing that their security feed has gone down. Din switches off the camera feeds while Karga and , which he believes will come into handy., which he believes will come into handy., which he believes will come into handy., which he believes will come into handy……. The stormtrooper orders his comrades including 5387 and 5389 to follow him while he calls reinforcements. The stormtrooper orders his comrades including 5387 and 5389 to follow him while he calls reinforcements. The four Arin, Dune, Karga and the Mythrol find several tanks containing several deformed beings. She discovers several tanks containing several deformed beings. She decides that they need to hack into the system in order to figure out what is going on “catastrophic failure” of the subsequent trials, which also resulted in “catastrophic failure” Pershing recommends suspending all further experiments and fears that the volunteer will meet the same “regretful fate” if they proceed with the to continue, they would need access to the “donor.” To continue, they would need access to the “donor.” Pershing vows not to disappoint Moff Gideon. Pershing vows not to disappoint Moff Gideon. Dune advises him to head back first on his jetpack. The other three flee through the corridors but are pursued by more stormtroopers. Cara, Karga and the Mythrol eliminate these stormtroopers and fight their way they are cornered by more stormtroopers, who have exited a turbolift. Dune gets the others to cover her while she commandeers a Trexler Marauder. She evacuates Karga and the Mythrol. destroyed by the Marauder’s laser turret. Dune manages to crush one of the scout troopers and his bike using the Marauder. However, a second scout trooper manages to climb onto the armor the laser turret to blast him to shreds. Karga escapes the Imperial base before it is consumed by the lava explosion. The TIEs fly above the canyon, homing in on the Trexler Marauder with Karga missing the vehicle’s turret cannon. The debris damages the turret cannon and damages the vehicle’s turret cannon, leaving the vehicle defenseless. As they approach the city, the Razor Crest appears and takes out the Mandalorian. Dune and the Mythrol watch the battle from below. Djarin tells Karga, Dune and the Mythrol that they have to catch the road before Gideon comes back after them. Dune and the Mythrol atch as the Razor Crest lifts off into space. Emissary from the New Republic Later, New Republic starfighter pilot Captain Carson Teva questions Karga about the destruction of the Imperial base on Nevarro. Teva reminds him about his control log Teva reminds the Captain that this is not Coruscant. Teva speaks with Dune who is feeding the lava meerkat. He compliments her work in cleaning up Nevarro. He compliments her work in cleaning up Nevarro. Teva something going on out here. He says that there is something going on out here. He says that the people of the Core Worlds don’t believe it but insists it is true. He says that the people of the Core Worlds don’t believe it but insists it Dune receives a badge bearing the insignia of the New Republic. Dune watches as he walks away. Dune watches as he walks away. Gideon’s ambitions Aboard a light cruiser, an Imperial comms acking beacon on the Razor Crest. acking beacon on the Razor Crest. She also confirms that the Mandalorians still have their “asset.”
The episode opens with mercenaries sounding the alarm at the gate of Calodan on the planet Corvus. Prologue The episode opens with mercenaries sounding the alarm at the gate of Calodan on the planet Corvus. te refused and offers to spare the lives of the city’s inhabitants in exchange for peace. Tano issues her own ultimatum that the Magistrate surrender or face consequences. the Magistrate orders her guards to cage a male prisoner whom they had Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano Tano lands in the nearby woods. Djarin retrieves the joystick ball and slips it under his armor. After the Razor Crest lands, the Child follows Djarin down the gangplank. Due to the Child’s persistence, Djarin decide Lang confirms that he is associated with the Bounty Hunters’ Guild. Lang tells Lang that he is associated with the Bounty Hunters’ Guild. Lang tells Lang that he is associated with the Bounty Hunters the Child. The mercenaries escort Djarin along the main street where multiple inhabitants are being tortured in electrocution cages. A guard admits Djarin and the Child through a second set of gates which leads them into a villa the Magistrate the Magistrate a beskar spear. The Magistrate offers him the spear in return for finding the Jedi. Lang leads Djarin and the Child out of the city gate. Lang leads Djarin and the Child out of the the Mandalorian’s pouch. Lang quips that the Mandalorian is going to need plenty of luck where he is headed. Lang quips that the Mandalorian is going to need plenty of luck where he is headed. Djarin . Ahsoka hears a pping sound, then decides that it was a false alarm after seeing the indigenous beasts afar. Djarin is ambushed from behind by a lightsaber –wielding Tano Djarin lands onto the ground and draws his blaster. Tano appears to be both surprised and delighted. The revelation Later that evening, Tano and the Child sit in a clearing by a lantern. She communicates with the Child telepathically through the Tano reveals to Djarin that the Child is Grogu. Grogu was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant before the Clone Wars. He was taken from the Temple and hidden from the Galactic Empire for many years. Tano asks if she means his powers. Tano explains that Grogu can still wield the Force. Tano explains that the Jedi Order fell a long time ago, adding that the Empire also fell but that it still hunts Grogu. Tano Grogu needs her help. Tano communes with the Child via telepathy and says that she will test him in the morning. Testing Grogu In the morning, Tano leads Din and Grogu to a green forest clearing and gets Djarin to put the Child down ………………. . ad been playing with earlier. Grogu reaches into the Force to retrieve the joystick ball from Djarin after he calls him by his name. Grogu reaches into the Force to retrieve the joystick ball from Djarin after he calls him rring to her former master Anakin Skywalker, who as Darth Vader fell under the seduction of Emperor Palpatine through the manipulation of his attachments. Unwilling to let the Child down this path, she decides it is better to let Gro Grogu is properly trained. Djarin also briefs Tano about the Magistrate, explaining that she has a small army of guards armed with A350 blaster rifles, two HK-87 assassin droids, and Tano that the Magistrate is named Morgan Elsbeth, and her people were massacred during the Clone Wars. Djarin recalls seeing three prisoners strung up outside the inner gate. Tano says that they must find a way to free them . t their opponents will never expect a Mandalorian and a Jedi fighting together. Liberating Calodan Later that evening, Elsbeth’s mercenaries man the gate and fortifications of Corvus. Tano emerge nds on the other end of the gate. nds on the other end of the gate. nds on the other end of the gate. nds on the other end of the gate. nds on the other end of the gate. nd he Magistrate commands Lang to hunt her down with her two HK-87 assassin droids. Lang orders her men to execute the prisoners before retreating into her mansion. Lang orders the remaining HK-87 droid to climb ace Lang and Tano in a standoff. Lang tries to convince Tano to change sides, with Lang attempting to convince Tano to change sides. Lang tries to convince Tano to change sides, with Tano attempting to convince Lang to change sides. Tano’s single-bladed lightsaber into the water, allowing her to disarm Elsbeth. Outside, Lang realised his master’s defeat and feigned surrender, attempting to kill Djarin with his blaster pistol ound, Tano holds the Magistrate against the blade of her shoto lightsaber. Once again, Tano demanded that she give up the information on the whereabouts of her master: Grand Admiral Thrawn. Parting company Following the e Mandalorians who rightfully possess this weapon. e Mandalorians who rightfully possess this weapon. e Mandalorians who rightfully possess this weapon. e Mandalorians who rightfully possess this weapon. e The Razor Crest. e Grogu to the seeing stone on Tython, a place with a strong connection with the Force where Grogu can decide his own fate. She also suggests that other Jedi may come searching for Grogu if they sense him through the Force. Djarin thanks Tan
Grogu. Grogu uses the Force to summon the joystick ball. Din Djarin tells Grogu that he is impressed with his Force powers. Djarin tells Grogu that he would have to go to any Jedi who would answer the call s Grogu up to the seeing stone. The Razor Crest descends into Tython’s atmosphere, flying over several hills. Using the ship’s navigation systems, Djarin closes in on the “magic rock” that Ahsoka Tano Djarin wonders if there is a way to activate the structure. He places Grogu on top of the stone and wonders if there is a way to activate the structure. Djarin wonders if there is a way to activate the structure. Gro Grogu summons a force field around the stone. Grogu summons a force field around the stone. Grogu summons a force field around the stone. Grogu summons a force field around the stone. Grogu summons a force field Din tells him that he will have to peel it off his dead body. Djarin asks Fett if he took the Mandalorian armor. Fett replies that he is just a simple man making his way through the galaxy just like his father before him ian Creed, Fett replies that he gives his allegiance to no one. When Djarin asks Fett what is to stop him from shooting him down, Fett replies that he has a sharpshooter on the ridge with a Fett and his companion. Fett threatens to kill Fett and his companion. Fennec Shand identifies herself as the sniper. Fett tells Fett to tell Shand to drop the gun. Fett tells Shand to drop the gun. Fett tells Shand Fett putting down his jetpack and Fett putting down his jetpack. Fett says that she was left for dead on the sands of Tatooine as was he. Fett says that she was left for dead on the sands of Tatoo Fett says that it was given to his father Jango Fett by his forebears. In exchange for the return of his armor, Fett promises to guarantee the safety of the Child as well as his own. Shand adds that the bounty on the Child has risen significantly Grogu runs back to Grogu, who is immersed in the bubble. Grogu runs back to Grogu, who is immersed in the force field which rises up. Grogu runs back to Grogu, who is immersed in the bubble. Djarin runs back d on Shand’s position. Hiding behind the rocks, she attacks a flank of the troopers. The stormtrooper commander orders his remaining men to approach from a different direction. Fett runs circles around the troops, ambushing them with his ga Shand is forced to dodge blaster fire and to take cover behind the rocks. Shand kicks down a boulder which smashes through the ranks of the stormtroopers and takes out the heavy repeating blaster cannon. Shand kicks e way and gets flattened by it. Fett himself ambushes the commander with his Gaderffii stick, knocking him to the ground and fighting his men. He then stabs the commander through his chest armor with the sharp end of the stick. Fett While Grogu meditates through the Force, Grogu gets to his feet and watches as Grogu meditates through the Force. e. While Shand fights the stormtroopers, Djarin gets to his feet and watches as Grogu meditates through the Force Shand accepts his offer and the two fight against the stormtroopers. Fett blasts a stormtrooper without even looking at him. Fett blasts a stormtrooper without even looking at him. the stormtroopers charge him, but quickly retreat when he kills two with rockets concealed in his kneepads. They flee aboard their ships, which depart. Fett uses his jetpack’s rocket to take out the engines of one of the shuttles, a laser blast is fired from orbit, aimed at the parked Razor Crest, which is blown to smithereens. Shand tells Fett that he better get to his ship and Fett rockets off. Djarin realizes that the the Imperial comms officer asks. The light cruiser dispatches four armored Dark Troopers, who descend onto the magic rock and its surroundings. Djarin, Fett, and Shand run up but the droids beat them to it g to harm the Child, Djarin convinces Shand and Fett to call off the attack. Instead, Fett decides to do a “loose follow” into the upper atmosphere of Tython. Sighting the orbiting light cruiser, Fett says that d back while the Imperial cruiser jumps into hyperspace ( Hyperdrives do not engage within Tython’s atmosphere ) Djarin surveys the pit left by the wreckages of his ship. While digging through the charred soil, he finds the joy is all that survived. All that survived is all that survived. Djarin shows Fett a hologram of his chain code, which has been encoded in his armor for 25 years. Djarin realizes that Fett’s father was a foundling Grogu. Djarin and Shand promised to return Grogu to Djarin in exchange for the armors return. Since the Child has been kidnapped, Fett says not quite because he and Shand promised to guarantee the safety of the Child in exchange for ynthia Dune has become a Marshal of the New Republic, saying that he has heard rumors that she has gone legit. He tells her that he needs her help to locate someone on the New Republic prison registry. Dune consults her being an accessory to the death of a New Republic officer. Prisoner of the Empire Moff Gideon’s light cruiser travels through hyperspace. Dune surmises that Mayfeld is a piece of work and asks what Djarin needs Grogu the Darksaber. Grogu the Darksaber. Grogu the Darksaber. Grogu the Darksaber. Grogu the Darksaber. Grogu the Darksaber. Grogu the Darksaber. Grogu Grogu the Darksaber, tauntingly asking if he has seen it in the past, before deactivating it. Gideon then orders the two other stormtroopers crawl out of the door, a pleased Gideon compliment rs to put Grogu into shackles. He then tells the comms officer that as soon as they exit hyperspace to send an encrypted message to Dr. Pershing, telling him they have gotten their donor.
Recruiting an old foe The episode opens with a New Republic Correctional Transport flying over the Karthon Chop Fields. A New Republic security droid walks up to Migs Mayfeld (designated as inmate 34667) who is working on she has a job for him. He complies after the security droid threatens him with its stun baton. A confused Mayfeld follows Dune to the parked Slave I where he is greeted by Boba Fett and Fenne Mayfeld asks Dune if he has come to kill him. Dune replies for him, stating that all he needs to know is that she bent a lot of rules to bring him along. Mayfeld becomes defensive, assuming they are angry with him for Mayfeld asks to be taken back to the scrapyard. Dune explains that the Moff has his “ kid.” Mayfeld asks Dune if she means the “little green guy.” Mayfeld asks Dune if she means the “little green Djarin does not believe anything is on the planet Morak. Mayfeld reluctantly agrees to help but says he cannot get the coordinates without access to an internal Imperial terminal. Mayfeld promises to get the coordinates if they can get him inside. . Mission on Morak. Mission on Morak. Mission on Morak. Mission on Morak. Mission on Morak. Mission on Morak. Mission on Morak. Mission on Morak. Mission on Morak. Mission on Mayfeld says he can perform an aerial extraction from the roof of the base. Dune assumes she and Mayfeld can easily infiltrate the refinery by hijacking a transport and swappiddling a transport. Fett tells Mayfeld he can perform ng places with the drivers in a nearby tunnel. ng places with the drivers in a nearby tunnel. ng places with the drivers in a nearby tunnel. ng places with the drivers in a nearby tunnel. Mayfeld asks her to openly question him, hinting he might still be loyal to the fallen Empire. Mayfeld insists he is hiding nothing. Mayfeld insists he is still loyal to the fallen Empire. Mayfeld insists he is hiding nothing. the two drivers are fully armored, helmets and all. Mayfeld dismisses the idea, saying it would be too hard to explain away a guy in Mandalorian armor to the Imperial guards. Mayfeld dismisses the idea, saying it would be Mayfeld, but his face will still remain hidden. Hijacking a juggernaut Imperial juggernaut used on Morak On the road, the first pilot of Juggernaut Five tells the Morak refinery that they are entering tunnel T-12. Dun Mayfeld and Djarin change into the guard’s uniforms. Mayfeld doesn’t wear the helmet but Djarin still covers his face. Djarin asks Mayfeld to take out the rooftop turrets to ensure that they can get out of Mayfeld asks Djarin how it feels wearing the Imperial helmet. Unable to see properly with helmet, Mayfeld takes it off and wonders how Djarin’s people see inside those helmets. Fett says he is standing by. Fett says he is standing etter when it is off. etter when it is off. etter when it is off. etter when it is off. etter when it is off. etter when it is off. etter when it is off. children, who gaze at the vehicle. Mayfeld remarks that someone somewhere is ruling the galaxy, reasoning that people born and raised on Mandalore and Alderaan believe in different things. Mayfeld remarks that the locals see both the Empire and New Republic as invaders Mayfeld is just a realist and survivor just like him. Mayfeld asks Djarin about his rule of not showing his face, whether it is because he cannot take off his Mandalorian helmet or because he cannot show his face. Mayfeld as long as they can make it through their day and sleep at night they are fine. As long as people can make it through their day and sleep at night they are fine. As Mayfeld panics, the pilot of Juggernaut Four reports that they are encountering some route interference Juggernaut Three has encountered trouble and exploded. Djarin and Mayfeld’s juggernaut is boarded by a group of waiting pirates riding a repulsorlift craft. Djarin tells Mayfeld to drive while he climb the pirate repulsorlift is destroyed. More alien pirates jump on the juggernaut on a second repulsorlift. Djarin manages to shoot one but runs out of blaster bolts. Djarin hurls the blaster a third pirate damages Djarin’s armor but he also throws him between the wheels of the juggernaut and the pirate is crushed to death beneath the heavy wheels of the juggernaut. Djarin dispatches the last pirate with a spear his companion to plant a detonator on the juggernaut before retreating. The juggernaut is pursued by two repulsorcraft. Djarin manages to break free, throwing one of them off the vehicle and kicking the other off the juggernaut to explode. The Morak Refinery Behind enemy lines As Mayfeld drives the juggernaut into the refinery, several stormtroopers and shoretroopers advance on the surviving pirates, gunning them down. The Mayfeld salutes them back as heroes by cheering miners and stormtroopers. Dune and Shand watch from above. Mayfeld salutes them back as heroes by cheering miners and shoretroopers. Dune and Shand watch from . Mayfeld fears that Hess might recognize him even though he was a field operative. Mayfeld fears that Hess might recognize him even though he was a field operative. Mayfeld insists that they proceed since he wants to get back Valin Hess removes the datastick and demands to know Djarin’s designation. Valin Hess removes the datastick and demands to know Djarin’s designation. Valin Hess removes the datastick and demands to know Djar ms that Djarin sustained ear damage when his vessel lost pressure in Taanab. Mayfeld quickly claims that he is called “Brown Eyes” before ushering Djarin away under the pretext of filling out TPS reports Dune tells Shand that they will have to take out the anti-air cannons in order to allow Fett to conduct an aerial extraction. Shand says this will not be a problem and tells Dune to concentrate on the troopers while she takes out the Mayfeld recalls that an entire city along with its inhabitants was destroyed during Operation Cinder, along with his entire division being wiped out, five to ten thousand people. Hess recalls that an entire city along with its inhabitants was destroyed during Operation Cinder the greater good. Mafyeld points out that civilians died defending their homes and fighting for freedom. He asks Hess if it was good for them. Mayfeld disagrees, saying depends on who you ask. Mafyeld asks Hess Hess hopes that this crisis will cause people to turn to the Empire once again. Hess toasts the Empire but Mayfeld shoots him in the chest with a blaster pistol. Extraction Mayfeld then proceeds to gun down a shoretrooper icers in the mess hall. Mayfeld then tells Djarin that he did what he had to do before handing him his helmet. He tells Djarin that he never saw his face before handing him his helmet. Shand contacts Fett and Shand and Dune shoot Imperial troops trying to pursue them as well as the gunners manning the anti-air guns. Fett hovers the Slave I adjacent to the top of the refinery, allowing Djarin and Mayfeld to jump aboard. Fett Dune and Shand watch from below. Newfound respect Djarin thanks Mayfeld for helping, and Shand thanks Mayfeld for helping. Newfound respect The team reunite at a forest clearing. Mayfeld thinks that he is heading back to the scrap heap to ayfeld wishes Djarin good luck in “getting the kid back.” Mayfeld then tells Dune that he is ready to return to continue serving his sentence. Dune is impressed by his marksmanship. Mayfeld admits that was not part of the Moff Gideon sends his Djarin. Mayfeld watches as the Slave I departs Nevarro City. Dune asks what their next move is, and Mayfeld watches as the Slave I departs the jungle-covered planet .. He means more to me than you will ever know.. He means more to me than you will ever know.” Gideon watches grimly as the scene ends.
Dr. Pershing is captured by Boba Fett. Capturing the doctor A Lambda -class shuttle weaves through space, evading heavy laser fire from Slave I. Fett orders the shuttle to deactivate its shields and transpond Dr. Pershing suggests they fight the pirates, but the co-pilot refuses, saying he doesn’t have a death wish. Slave I docks with the shuttle, and the Mandalorian Din Djarin enters the cockpit. the co-pilot shoots him dead, then explains to Dune that Pershing is a top-tier New Republic target, a clone engineer, and if he dies because of them, she will wish she never left Alderaan Alderaan was “a small price to pay to rid the galaxy of terrorism”. Dune shoots the co-pilot in the face, narrowly missing Pershing, who screams and clutches his ear, which has been singed off by ……………………….. Fett scoffs, saying he never said he was orian. Fett and Reeves begin to argue, but Kryze tells them to “save it for the Imps.” Fett says the armor belonged to his father, Reeves jumps up, swinging at him, and the pair fight before Fett orders them to stop, and the pair fight before Fett orders them to stop, and the pair fight before Fett orders them to stop, and the pair fight before Fett orders them to stop. pershing tells them that Gideon also has a platoon of dark troopers aboard his vessel. he shows them where the dark troopers are housed in a cargo bay next to the brig where Grogu is being held. they will send Kryze, Reeves, and Fennec Shand will then attack the bridge, misdirecting Gideon’s forces from Djarin who will head for the brig to rescue Grogu. As both ships jump to hyperspace, Bo-K o-Katan issues a distress call, requesting emergency docking. The comms officer acknowledges the request, and tells them to stay clear of the cruiser’s launch tube while she launches a TIE fighter squadron Dune, Shand, Kryze, and Reeves fight their way through a cargo bay, but Dune’s gun jams, forcing her to use it as a club. Dune, Shand, Kryze, and Reeves e dark troopers’ cargo bay, the door opens as the droids complete their power-up sequence. Djarin uses Pershing’s code cylinder to close the door, but one of the droids holds the door open and manages to get rs out into space. Dune fixes her gun and she and the others enter the bridge, mowing down all the stormtroopers here. In the turbolift, Dune fixes her gun and she fixes her gun and she and the others enter the bridge. nts Grogu. Gideon agrees, to study his blood which has the potential to bring order back to the galaxy. Gideon agrees, saying he has gotten all he wanted from him, to study his blood which has the potential to bring the Darksaber can only be taken by defeating the wielder in battle. an alarm sounds, and Shand reports that the ship’s ray shields have blasted. Shand reports that the ship’s ray shields have blasted the bridge is Djarin and his allies prepare to fight. The Jedi Another alarm sounds, and a lone X-wing fighter flies past the cruiser. The Jedi Another alarm sounds, and a lone X-wing fighter The group then watches the monitor as a hooded figure walks through the ship, destroying the dark troopers with a green bladed lightsaber. The group then watches the monitor as a hooded figure disembarks and walks Dune smacks him with the butt of her rifle, knocking him unconscious. Grogu reaches for the monitor, watching as the Jedi destroys the last of the dark troopers. Djarin tells them to open the blast doors, but Shand if he is a Jedi, which Skywalker confirms. He then asks Grogu if he is a Jedi, which Skywalker confirms. Djarin asks Grogu if he is a Jedi, which Skywalker confirms. R2-D2 enters, and Grogu walks towards the droid. Luke Skywalker’s astromech droid, R2-D2 enters, and Grogu walks towards the droid. Luke Skywalker nods and picks Fortuna laughs, saying he thought Boba was dead and he is pleased to see him. Fett shoots Fortuna dead, and throws his body to the floor, taking the throne as Shand swigs from a bottle of
Survivor The episode opens with a landscape shot of the surroundings of the late Jabba’s Palace on Tatooine. Several interior shots are captured including the barbican, Jabba’s throne room and the empty band stage. . a hole through the gut of the stormtrooper. Fett then fires a flamethrower. Fett then climbs out of the sarlacc onto the sands of the Great Pit of Carkoon. ed by a party of Jawas. They also take his jetpack. Fett awakens but one of the Jawas knocks him unconscious with a blaster. Fett awakens but one of the Jawas knocks him unconscious ck to their clan with Fett bound behind a bantha. They drag him through the sands to their encampment with Fett bound behind a bantha. Fett is forced to walk through heat and sand and eventually collapses from the massiff. The massiff lunges at Fett and uses its sharp teeth to cut his bonds. A Tusken sentry intervenes but Fett overpowers him, knocking the gaderffii stick from his hands. The massiff lunges Fett. The beast returns to its Tusken masters. The Tuskens catch up with him and watch. Fett returns to its Tusken masters. The beast returns to its Tusken masters. The beast returns to its Tusken masters. Fett the bacta pod’s doors open and he suspends his “healing session.” Droids dress Fett in his Mandalorian armor. Droids dress Fett in his Mandalorian armor. Droids dress Fett in his Mandalorian Fett presents a box of credit chips. The droid 8D8 retrieves the chips. Fett asks Shand what Shand said about friendship. Fett says that he used to work for Dokk. Fett says that it is a pleasuuu 8D8 with a Wookiee pelt. Dokk wishes that Fett may never leave Mos Espa before walking away. Fett confides with Shand that the Mayor was coming to pay tribute. The Majordomo apologizes for the “understandable” misunderstanding in Shand extends his greetings and appreciation for the Mayor’s tribute. Fett extends his greetings and appreciation for the Mayor’s heartfelt welcome, which he expresses in his stead. Fett extends his greetings and appreciation for the Mayor’s Jabba, the Hutt would have fed him to his menagerie. Fett apologizes. Shand explains to Fett that the Mayor wants Fett to pay him. Fett replies that he is the crime lord and that the Majordomo works for the Mayor unmolested. Fett apologizes and says that he will convey Fett’s sentiment to the Mayor. Fett tells Shand to keep an eye on Mok. 8D8 then has UK2-B bring in two Gamorrean prisoners, who had served Jabb Fett’s r tortured squeals will send a message to potential challengers to his throne. Fett says he does not torture. 8D8 counsels his master to show strength in order to win acceptance as a Daimy Shand explains that it is a sign of power and that people in Mos Espa are used to seeing the Hutts being paraded around the streets. Fett and Shand later travel with their two new Gamorrean bodyguards to Mos Espa. Fett a Bith musician perform. Fett and Shand enter the bar with their Gamorrean bodyguards. Fett and Shand enter the bar with their Gamorrean bodyguards. Fett and Shand enter the bar with their Gamorrean bodyguards. Garsa asks if he would like his Gamorrean guards to be given refreshments while they are sequestered. Fett replies that it won’t take long and offers to do it here. Fett introduces his Master Assassin Fennec Shand and she will continue her business under his watchful eye. Fett reassures Shand that her business will continue under his watchful eye. Shand remarks that Fett’s helmet looks “shinier” than hers, being full of credits. Fett tells Shand Jabba rarely left his chambers. Fett replies that Jabba ruled by fear while he intends to rule by respect. Shand counters that in difficult times, fear is a surer bet. Shand counters that in difficult times, fear is the Gamorreans come to their aid, breaking the circle created by the ambushers and providing the respite Fett and Shand needed to regain their balance and provide the respite Fett and Shand needed to regain their balance and the upper hand. d by Fett. Fett tells her to capture them alive, before telling the Gamorreans to get him back to the bacta pod. Shand reaches the two survivors across rooftops, all performing feats of acrobatics and athleticis Fett capturing the other. Fett is taken into the bacta pod by one of the Gamorreans, where he experiences another flashback into his past following the rescue of Han Solo. Together with a domesticated massif, they trek a they to a homestead. Fett and Fett cross a sand dune to see a homestead. Fett and Fett cross a sand dune to see smoke. Fett and Fett cross a sand dune to see smoke the massiff to drink. The massiff takes the gourd from Fett, pouring it out for the massiff to drink with some spilling onto the dry sands of Tatooine. Fett grumbles about strangling the Rodian and feeding the Rodian’s arm. More arms come out of the sand before the entire beast reveals itself as a sand beast capable of standing on its hind legs. Grabbing the captives, the massiff counterattacks before being thrown away by the Tusken adolescent. The creature turns from Fett and goes after the Tusken adolescent. However, Fett runs up its back and asphyxiates the creature. The Tusken, Fett and the massiff return to the e with stories of the battle with the reptilian creature. e with stories of the battle with the reptilian creature. e with stories of the battle with the reptilian creature. e with stories of the battle with the repti
The episode opens with a high angle short of the rocky desert landscape outside Boba Fett’s Palace. The camera zooms in on an armed Fennec Shand leading the captured assassin into the vacenous castle. Fett demands to know who the prisoner curses him in Huttese. Fett explains that the prisoner is from the Order of the Night Wind, an assasin for hire. Fett chastises the prisoner for being ungrateful that they spared his tes below open, the assassin panics and tells Fett and Shand that he was sent by the mayor of Mos Espa. He begs for his life and tells Fett that he was sent by the mayor of Mos Espa. Fett and Fett tells the receptionist that he is here to see the mayor. When the receptionist asks if he has an appointment, Fett responds that he found one of his “stray pets” and that he is here to return it to his master. Mok Shaiz demands an explanation for Fett’s unscheduled visit to Hutt Space. Fett demands to know why the mayor sent the assassin to kill him. Fett demands to know why the mayor sent the assassin to kill him Fett orders his guards to bring him his reward. Fett replies that he is not a bounty hunter but Shaiz says he heard otherwise. Fett replies that he will take his payment as belated tribute. Fett replies that he is not a bounty Shaiz tells Fett that he serves at his pleasure. Fett warns him that he is not a fool and those who have crossed him no longer breathe. Fett warns him to go to Garsa’s Sanctuary to get an idea of what he means Garsa explains that “ the Twins “ have laid claim to their late cousin Jabba’s bequest. Fett replies that he heard the Twins were preoccupied with Nal Hutta to bother with Tatooine to bother with Tatoo d. Fett, Shand, and the Gamorreans walk outside to see a procession carrying two Hutts on a litter. Fett, Shand, and the Gamorreans walk outside to see a procession carrying two Hutts if this is so. r asking if this is so. r asking if this is so. r asking if this is so. r asking if this is so. r asking if this is so. Fortuna is gone. Since Fett killed him, all that belonged to Fortuna now belongs to him. Since Fett killed him, all that belonged to Fortuna now belongs to him. Fett says that they will have to kill him for it. As the drummers . Shand tells Fett that they will have to get permission to kill them since they are Hutts. Shand tells Fett that the matter is settled since they are Hutts. Fett suggests that the matter is settled but accepts that it is not yet over the Tusken to show him. A massiff finds a worrt in the desert sands with the Tuskens’ massiff hounds in pursuit. The worrt scurries into the desert sands with the a bantha and several Tusken Raiders. The train rides away into the desert. a bantha and several Tusken Raiders. The train rides away into the desert. Fett watches the Tuskens attending to their wounded and dead the chief is skeptical but lets Fett leave on his quest. Fett travels to Tosche Station, which is frequented by the Nikto speed biker gang known as the Kintan Striders Gang. Fett speaks to the tribal Elders, vowing the Nikto to ask if he said something. Laze stands and repeats himself loudly to the Nikto to ask if he said something. Laze stands and repeats himself loudly to Camie’s dismay. Laze and Camie ………………………. the chief welcomes Fett, who tells them that the bikes are a gift for them. He also teaches the Tusken Raiders how to operate the accelerators and brakes. A young Tusken tries out the speeder bike but reverses. Fett Fett teaches the. Fett also teaches them how to jump from bikes and to signal using a mirror. The Tuskens get better with handling the bikes and to signal using a mirror. Fett also teaches them how to signal using a mirror. Fett also ……………………….. A Tusken rams her bike into one of the carriages, damaging one of the connectors. The driver droid accelerates the engine, causing the hovertrain to accelerate rapidly. A Tusken rams her bike into one of the carriages, Fett fights with more Pyke guards near the train engine. One of the Pykes is blasted by the engines and thrown to the ground by the carriages. Fett forces his way into the train engine where he orders the driver droid to stop the vehicle ain but finds the brakes. He uses his gaderffii stick to disable the ship’s engines. Fett uses his gaderffii stick to disable the ship’s engines. He uses his gaderffii stick to disable the Fett asks if he is carrying sansanna spice from the slave mines of Kessel. The Pyke leader asks what does spice look like. Fett replies this is not looking good for him. The Pyke leader says that they were just trying to protect their route ancestral ground. He warns that if they want to pass, a toll has to be paid to the Tuskens. He warns that any death dealt by traveling trains will be returned ten-fold. Fett orders the Pykes to walk single file in the a black melon, stating that they will survive on its milk as these people do. Rebirth and initiation Later that night, the Tusken chief explains that since the oceans of Tatooine have dried up, they have stayed hidden. the other tribes have survived by killing. Fett replies that the other tribes have survived by killing. The Tusken chief replies that the offworlders have machines. Fett replies that the other tribes have survived by killing. The Tusken chief replies that the offworlders his vision becomes blurry and his body convulses. He is walking through the deserts of Tatooine and sees a vision of trees and oceans. There are creatures with red eyes. Fett also experiences flashbacks of climbing out through the maw of the his massiff. Fett is greeted by the Tusken chief and his followers. The lizard emerges from his nostrils. Fett remarks that he thought it was part of the dream. The Tusken chief asks him to show him a branch Fett helps him to carve the branch into a new gaderffii stick. The metal is dipped in an oven, giving it an armored plating. The metal is dipped in an oven, giving it an armored plating.
8D8’s briefing The episode opens with Boba Fett and Fennec Shand skittering across the desert outside Boba Fett’s Palace on Tatooine. Fett reassures the droid that the Hutt is dead and that Fett is surprised and asks why. 8D8 apologizes but Shand tells Fett that Fett felt threatened. 8D8 apologizes but Shand tells him to get back to business. 8D8 apologizes but Shand tells him to get back to business. ib did not have Jabba’s power, he relied on uneasy alliances to preserve his title and tribute. When Fett asks about the assassins, Shand explains that the Mayor has no power and believes that someone else is behind hey should wait. hey should wait. hey should wait. hey should wait. hey should wait. hey should wait. hey should wait. hey should wait. hey should wait. hey should wait. hey should wait. hey should . Peel vouches that this is true and says that he is insulted on Fett’s behalf at the disrespect that these “urchins” are showing him following the assassination attempt. Fett replies that this is new to him. Peel then talks Peel is insulted on Fett’s behalf. Peel says that he grew up surrounded by water, prompting Peel to say that Tatooine was once covered entirely in water. Fett asks Peel if his inventory is water. Peel agrees and explains recruits a group of Gamorrean human youths. Recruiting the youths Later that night, Fett, Shand, and their Gamorrean bodyguards walk through the streets of Mos Espa. They approach a group of cybernetic human youth Fett tells them to farm the water themselves. Skad asks Fett why he allowed the water-monger to charge them a month’s wage for one week’s worth of water. Fett tells her to watch her tongue, reminding her to watch her they will instead work for him. Lortha Peel is upset that Fett has not punished the youths, claiming that they stole from him and that he is letting them off. Fett approaches the gang and removes his helmet. He tells the youths that they he can move to Mos Eisley if he doesn’t like it. Fett also warns him to cut his prices. Fett tells the youths to gather up their gear and follow him. Peel backs him and the youths depart on their customized grav sco his father Jango Fett depart on the Slave I. The scene then moves on to Fett riding a bantha among his Tusken Raider tribe. The scene then moves on to Fett riding a bantha among his Tuskens. in the background leading three DUM-series pit droids. Fett is seen in the background leading three pit droids. Fett is seen in the background leading three DUM-series pit droids. Fett is seen in the background Fett’s superiors are unwilling to pay protection to more than one party. Fett replies that he is collecting on behalf of the Tuskens of the Dune Sea. Fett replies that the Kintan Striders have already collected protection money for the same territory that . The Pyke says that they are willing to do business with either party but that they do not want to be taken advantage by paying money to both parties. Fett vows to resolve this and says that he will not hear from the Nikto sand flyers again. the Tusken clan has been slaughtered. Fett walks on foot to the Tusken village only to find that the clan has been slaughtered. Fett walks on foot to the Tusken village only to find that the clan has been slaughtered. Fett cremates p from his sleep by the Wookiee Krrsantan who drags him out of the bacta tank. Fett fights back but the Wookiee gains the upper hand and throws him around. Fett fights back but the Wookiee gains . Fett huks around one of his arms but Krrsantan brushes it off. The two Gamorreans attempt to intervene but the Wookiee charges at them and pushes them down the stairs. They fight in the throne room the Wookiee to stay back as she activates the trapdoor, causing Krrsantan to slide in. Fett and his forces watch Krrsantan growling from his cage. The Hutt twins Later, an astromech he is the head of the family and should enjoy the trappings. Fett dismisses the droid to aid with the patrol. Shand tells Fett that he needs to send a message because everyone is watching and waiting for him to make the next move. Shand smirks. Fett orders that the gates of Jabba’s former palace be open. The Twins are being carried on a litter by several servants dressed in white and red. Fett orders that the gates of Jabba’s former palace be The Hutt brother claims they are sorry and offers a gift as restitution. This gift turns out to be a bound rancor, which is being carried on a repulsorlift sled. Fett tells them to clear off Tato . When Fett asks who it was promised by, the Hutt sister explains that it was promised by Mayor Mok Shaiz. Fett offers to release the Wookiee if they renounce all claims to Jabba’s legacy on Tatooine the Wookiee as their tribute to Fett. Fett orders the Gamorrean guard to release the Wookiee while Shand points a gun at him. Fett speaks to the Wookiee, telling him that he has no hard feelings and states that it is just business if releasing Krrsantan was a good idea. Fett replies that they had to choose between releasing or killing him. When Shand asks if he believes what the Hutts are saying, Fett replies that he has no reason to . Fett asks why it wears blinders. The keeper explains that the rancor is depressed and explains that they emotionally complex creatures. Fett asks why it wears blinders. The keeper adds that it is a calf bred . Fett strokes the rancor, prompting the keeper to notice that he likes it. Fett strokes the rancor, prompting the keeper to notice that he likes it. Fett strokes the rancor, prompting the keeper to notice that ten times its size. Fett agrees to begin the lesson today. The rancor keeper tells Fett to stand before the creature while he removes the harness from its mouth. Fett makes eye contact with the creature and strokes its chin while making eye contact with him the rancor is hungry. Fett tells 8D8 to inform Shand to suit up. Fett tells 8D8 to inform Fett to suit up. Fett tells 8D8 to inform Shand to suit up. Fett tells 8D8 to inform 8D8 Shand. Fett and Shand return to the throneroom. The two rejoin their gang of youths. Fett and Shand follow only to find it empty and deserted. Fett and Shand follow only to find it empty and deserted. Fett and his landspeeder whacks a pit droid and topples a stand full of fruits. Led by the female youth Drash, the youths outflank the majordomo. Two of them scrape his landspeeder. . Drash manages to ride her bike over a building before landing on the majordomo’s landspeeder. Drash manages to ride her bike over a building before landing on the majordomo’s landspeeder. Fett and the youths converge a large entourage of Pykes lands at Mos Espa’s spaceport. Skad tells Fett and Shand that he saw a dozen at least. Fett quips that it is just an expression since he paid a lot for his cybern they are going to war. Fett vows that they will be ready.
Rescuing Fennec Shand The episode opens with Boba Fett immersed inside his bacta tank, where he experiences flashbacks of his past. Fett rides to the late Jabba Desilijic Tiure the Hutt’s Fett sighs and informs her that there are still too many guards, and he heads back out into the dunes. Fett sighs and informs her that there are still too many guards, and he heads back out into the dunes hs hanging around outside the entrance. Fett carries Shand into the building where the mod artist of the shop is at work on another youth. Fett turns to Fett and snarks that he is too old to be in such a place, to which Fett ……………………….. Fett acks a black melon open and tells her to drink, but she first asks him what happened to her. She looks around suspiciously and then down to her own torso, only to notice the writhing cybernetics in Fett tells her to drink from the black melon, mentioning that it will aid her recovery. Fett reassures her that although it takes some getting used to, she manages to drink from it. Fett recognizes her as the Master Assassin, Fennec Shan he is not after money. She asks him who he is, and although he answers honestly, she dismisses this and reminds him that Boba Fett is dead. He agrees with her that he was left for dead on the sands of Shand sighs, buffing some sand from her clothes and asking after its location. When Fett tells Shand that the ship is in Jabba’s palace, she informs him that Bib Fortuna has taken over the place. her debt to him would be considered repaid. Fett and Shand travel through the Dune Sea on Fett’s bantha. Fett and Shand travel through the Dune Sea on Fett’s bantha. Fett and Shand travel through the Dune Sea on ……………………….. Shand questions Fett’s decision to free his bantha until he has retrieved his ship. Fett replies that he is determined to reclaim his ship or die trying. Shand asks Fett if he wants to head a Gotra. Fett Shand. Fett says that Tuskens took him in and made him part of their tribe. He says that he decided to leave hunting behind. Fett says that Tuskens took him in and made him part of their tribe. Fett says that he decided to leave their patrol and going in quiet. Fighting droids The two breach Jabba’s palace through the sewers under the cover of night. Fighting droids The two breach Jabba’s palace through the sewers under the cover of night. Fighting d Fett approaches the drain but Shand knocks him down using the gutter cover. The sous-chef droid approaches the drain but Fett knocks him down using the gutter cover. The sous-chef droid approaches the drain but Fett knocks him down using the gutter the droid sobs. Fett tells the droid that he is Boba Fett, prompting the droid to press a button deactivating itself in fear. Fett grabs the droid and asks if he knows who r droid. r droid. r droid. r droid. r droid. r droid. r droid. r droid. Shand explodes the PLNK-series power droid, scattering several guards. She shoots four more guards while Fett powers up the ship. Shand climbs aboard the Slave I’s gangplank, scattering the the gate open but that he can’t see anything. Fett finds that the ship’s guns are jammed. Fett reluctantly complies and tells Shand to close the ramp. Fett reluctantly complies and says he hopes that she knows what she is the Nikto guard off the ramp and enters the ship. She then fires her blaster at one of the controls for the gate, causing it the door to crash and giving an opening large enough to escape. As dawn approaches, the Slave I f Fett replies that the Slave I is in good shape but a little rusty. Shand suggests seeking the services of mechanics on Mos Eisley. Fett replies that the Slave I is in good shape but a little rusty. Shand ask their speeder through the desert wastes of Tatooine. Several bikes are destroyed and their riders scattered. Fett and Shand catch up with them aboard the Slave I, blasting them from the air with laser cannons. Shand to hang on as he brings the Slave I above the sarlacc pit. Fett tells Shand that the armor has dissolved inside the sarlacc’s digestive system. Fett says he can’t see a thing. nds no sign of the armor nds no sign of the armor nds no sign of the armor nds no sign of the armor nds no sign of the armor nds no sign of the armor nds no sign of the armor. Fett is grateful but warns Shand not to touch his ship’s buttons in the future. Later, Fett climbs back out of the sarlacc pit after having rappelled down on a rope in one last attempt to locate his armor. Fett tells Shand that his armor is not in there. He uses a bacta tank.. Awakening In the evening, Fett captures a scurrier for the two hunters. Awakening In the evening, Fett capture many lives. Fett says that if only the crime syndicates took the time to think, they could save many lives. He says that if only the crime syndicates took the time to think, they could save many lives. Fett says that it is time they took their Fett values her freedom. He offers to give her a cut of the success and pledge his life to protect hers. Fett disagrees and says that living with the Tuskens has made him strong. He disagrees and says that living with them has made him strong. Fett Shand ts him dead and throws his body off the throne. Fett then claims Jabba’s throne while Shand sips from a drink behind him. Fett then awakens, he presses a button drain a Yuzzum but reports there is no sign of the Mayor. Fett summons the droid to fetch his armor but Shand tells him that the “ Mods “ are combing the streets of Mos Espa for the fugitive mayor. Fett wants to show Krrsantan picks a fight with the Trandoshans, hurling one to the ground and flinging one against the furniture. One Trandoshan hurls a glass mug at his head, prompting she has never seen a more impressive display of martial prowess. She flatters the Wookiee, describing him as a legend who drew crowds of thousands. Fwip opines that it would be dishonorable the Trandoshans. This horrifies the patrons including the gambler droid. This horrifies the patrons including the gambler droid. This horrifies the patrons including the gambler droid. This horrifies the patrons including the Krrsantan leaves the Sanctuary but Fett approaches him with a job offer. The Wookiee looks at Fett menacingly. Fett’s proposal Later, Fett and Shand host several local crime bosses at a banquet in Boba’s ir. She describes Fortuna as a terrible leader with no right to the throne. Shand recalls that they each tried to take his place but were thwarted by his guile and treachery. Shand recalls that Fett he doesn’t expect any tribute or quarter and won’t give any quarter and won’t give any tribute or quarter. Fett says he is here to make a mutually beneficial proposal. He explains that Pyke Syndicate are mustering troops in Mos Fett’s rancor roars and sticks its claws through the trapdoor’s gaps, startling the guests and the LEP droid who runs away. Fett calms the rancor by sharing a piece of meat. Fett proposes that the crime lor the crime families of Mos Espa join in a defensive alliance against the Pykes Syndicate. The Klatooinian captain counters that the Pykes have only threatened Fett’s territory and questions why they should spill the blood of their ranks for a feud between Fett s that they remain neutral if the Pyke Syndicate reaches out to them to betray him. The crime lords discuss Fett’s proposal. Strassi says that Fett’s proposal acceptable. Fett replies that he trusts them to work for Shand opines that they must prepare for war. Shand says that they must prepare for war. Shand says that credits can buy muscle.
the Klatooinian butchers. Din Djarin enters a makeshift office where he presents a tracking fob. When one of the Klatooinian workers asks why he wants Kaba Baiz, Djarin replies a lot of money. The alien asks who but Djarin says that he sees him now before presenting a hologram image of Baiz. The alien says that he sees him now before presenting a hologram image of Baiz Baiz attempts to negotiate with them. Baiz replies that the others are not going anywhere and believes that he has the upper hand. Baiz replies that the others are not going anywhere and believes that he has the upper hand. Baiz attempts to negotiate with Djarin. Baiz. Baiz Baiz. Baiz charges at him while shooting but Djarin stabs him with a Vibroblade and pins him down to the desk. Djarin then slices Baiz in half with the Darksaber, s Baiz’s head in a bag. He tells the Klatooinians that he has no trouble with any of them. He offers them the loot if they let him pass. Djarin walks out of the abattoir with a still carrying Baiz’s head, Djarin enters the turbolift with a Caskadag inside. The turbolift takes Djarin up a hallway which leads to a meeting room. An Ishi Tib compliments Djarin for his fast rin and his associates. Djarin asks where is the closest shaft to the sub-strata. The Ishi Tib insists that Djarin sit and feast with them or he will reveal nothing. The Mandalorian replies that he told him to put it on ice. Djarin walks back to the hallway and takes a ride down the turbolift. While on the turbolift, he briefly examines the burn on his left upper thigh. Djarin activates his built-in scanner Glavis il. Following the trail, he encounters the Armorer, who tells the other members of the Tribe to tend to him. Paz Vizsla tends to Djarin’s injury, saying that he did not know y will put him back to work soon enough. y will put him back to work soon enough. y will put him back to work soon enough. y will put him back to work soon enough. y will put him back to work soon enough. The Armorer clarifies that the Darksaber must be won by Creed in battle. The Armorer warns, if the Darksaber is not won in combat, and/or falls into the hands of the “undeserving”, the he has never seen before. The Armorer explains that the Darksaber was forged over a millennium ago by the Mand’alor Tarre Vizsla. She explains that Tarre was both Mandalorian and he defeated Moff Gideon. Vizsla asks if he killed him. Djarin says he didn’t, but Gideon was sent off to the New Republic for interrogation where he will face justice for his crimes ngs of the past prophesying of the rise of the Mythosaur to herald a new age of Mandalore. ngs of the past prophesying of the rise of the Mythosaur to herald the Darksaber is a noble weapon for Djarin to wield. The Armorer picks up the beskar spear and opines that the Darksaber is a noble weapon for Djarin to wield. The Armor Kryze lost her way while the Mandalorian people lost their homeworld. In a flashback scene, TIE/sa bombers bomb the cities of Mandalore with weapons of mass destruction. The Armorer says that had their sect not been TIE bombers bomb Sundari, destroying it in a firestorm. KX-series security droids and Viper probe droids then scoured the ruins for survivors. The Armorer says that only those who eir legacy for generations until they can return to their homeworld. eir legacy for generations until they can return to their homeworld. eir legacy for generations until they can return to their homeworld. eir legacy for generations e. The duel Later, the Armorer practises sword-fighting with Djarin, who wields the Darksaber. Djarin jumps of the platform, prompting the Armorer to warn that he is fighting e he is fighting against the blade. She says that he should be fighting his opponent and tells him to stand up. The Armorer tells Djarin that he is too weak to fight against the Darksaber and warns him not to fight . Vizsla warns Djarin that his body is strong but that his mind is distracted. She warns Djarin that his body is strong but that his mind is distracted. Vizsla vows to win the Darksaber from Djarin. . Djarin accepts the challenge.. Vizsla attacks Djarin first. Vizsla attacks Vizsla with a dagger and an energy shield. Despite losing his weapons, Vizsla is able to stand his ground and Vizsla vows to end Djarin but the Mandalorian is able to dodge his bigger opponent. They fight around a tubular device. Djarin wins the upper hand and holds Vizsla’s throat at knife point. The Armor if he has ever removed his helmet. Vizsla asks him if he has ever removed his helmet. Vizsla responds that means that he is no longer a Mandalorian. Vizsla tells Vizsla the Darksaber and Grogu’s gift. He leaves through the hatch he came in from earlier and walks alone through the streets of the ring city. Djarin heads to the spaceport where “Flight 1020” is departing for a non- are not allowed on commercial flights. Bandoliers, bandoliers, bandoliers, pliers, and the Darksaber are not allowed on commercial flights. Black hat weapons are not allowed on commercial flights. The Djarin places his blaster pistol, a Rodian child in the seat at front of him waves to him but the child tells her son to leave him alone. The passenger liner lands at Mos Eisley’s spaceport on the planet Tatooine. Djarin retrieves his check- m again. m again. m again. m again. m again. m again. m again. m again. m again. m again. m again. m again. m again. m again. m Peli confirms that she has found a replacement for the Razor Crest. Peli asks Djarin if he has cash, which he confirms. She counts the money and tells the droids to make themselves useful. Peli tarpaulin to reveal a modified N-1 starfighter. Peli removes the tarpaulin to reveal a modified N-1 starfighter. Djarin is disappointed with the condition of the ship and tries to walk away Peli says “no skin off my dip-swap.” While waiting, Peli tells the droids to bring Djarin his money back. Peli tells Djarin to hear her out over the N-1 starfighter. Pel p faster than a fathier. Peli tells Peli that since this ship was made before the Empire, she is off the grid. Peli convinces Djarin to let her put the ship together before he makes a decision to cancel the purchase . his ship the fastest in the Outer Rim Territories. Peli makes his ship the fastest in the Outer Rim Territories. Djarin asks where they got the technology from. Peli replies that Tatooine is a Peli asks Djarin to make a wish list and the Jawas will see what is available. Peli tells Djarin to make a list and the Jawas will see what is available. Peli tells Djarin to make a Peli reassures him that she has dated a Jawa and knows what she is doing. Peli sends the Jawas to find the parts. Peli reassures him that she has dated a Jawa and knows what she is doing. Pel . Peli uses a MPH power droid to help charge the ship. Peli replies that it will blow the shaft out of his motivator block. Djarin replies that he is interested in a ship similar to the Razor Crest. Peli replies this ship is harder to come by than a Razor Quest. The Jawas return with a cryogenic density combustion booster. Peli tells Djarin that the Pykes control the spice trade and rule Tatooine through terror. Peli the Jawas. The pit droids drive it out into the open. Peli is impressed with their workmanship. Peli reprimands R5-D4 for his foul language. Peli reprimands R5-D4 for his foul Peli. Peli opines that the ship is ready. Djarin opines that the ship is overpowered for its size but Djarin opines that it is safe. Peli agrees and allows Djarin to start up the ship. D Peli is testing the ship’s maneuverability. Peli tells Djarin to point his navigational disposition between Tatooine’s twin suns. Peli tells Peli to point his navigational disposition between Tatooine’s twin suns trol Djarin flies beside the space liner. The Rodian child he encountered earlier notices the starship and stares out the window. Djarin flies circles around the space liner before descending back to Tatooine. Reed to run one for them. Reed apologizes and transmits his beacon. Reed asks that he transmit his title tabs. Reed asks that he transmit his title tabs. Reed asks that he transmit his title tabs. Reed asks that he . ss. The second New Republic pilot Carson Teva tells Reed to cancel that order since they can let Djarin go with a warning this time. Teva notices his voice is familiar and asks Djarin if he used to fly Reed asks Reed how did Djarin jump without powering up his hyperdrives. Reed asks Reed how did Djarin jump without powering up his hyperdrives. Reed asks Reed how did Djarin jump without powering up his hyperdrives Peli had locked her out and engaged the hangar security system. Peli is surprised that Peli had locked her out and engaged the hangar security system. Shand manages to scale the hangar’s walls and climbs down using several pieces of machinery. Peli is s a bag him of credits, saying that the pay is good. Shand replies that Boba Fett would appreciate some muscle. Shand agrees to the job offer.
The Marshal of Mos Pelgo The episode opens with a wide shot of several moisture vaporators, where a group of Pyke Syndicate couriers meet beneath them. The Pykes are confronted by a middle aged human male named Cobb Vanth Vanth offers to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they are lost. He shows them his stripes, which indicates that he is in charge of the folks in the Mos Pelgo territories. Vanth offers to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they are he gives the fourth one the opportunity to surrender. Vanth gives the fourth one the opportunity to surrender. Vanth tells the fourth Pyke enforcer to tell him that he is aware of the Syndicate and tells him to take credits back with him. Vanth the. Vanth inspects the chest and finds that it is full of spice. He tips it over, letting the desert winds ferry it away. World of the Jedi Din Djarin’s modified N-1 starfighter exits hyperspace above Ossus R2-D2 beeps in binary while Djarin climbs out of his ship to a flat area besides a river with brown water. R2-D2 beeps before leading Djarin down a path into a forest of bamboo- ny structure. R2-D2 converses with the droids. Djarin asks if this is where they are. R2-D2 converses with the droids. R2-D2 converses with the droid . Grogu watches with awe before Skywalker lets the frogs go. Grogu watches with awe before Skywalker lets the frogs go. Grogu watches with awe before Skywalker lets the frogs go. Grogu watches a huge heart and that the Force was strong in him. Grogu experiences a vision of Jedi defending the Jedi Temple against the 501st Legion during the Jedi Purge. Grogu experiences a vision of Jedi defending the Jedi Temple against the 501s . rs gunning down his defenders. They advance towards him before all fades out. rs gunning down his defenders. rs gunning down his defenders….. s that Master Luke is training him. The astromech droid beeps in binary. s that Master Luke is training him. The astromech droid beeps in binary. The astromech droid be R2-D2 to turn his head. R2-D2 turns his head. R2-D2 turns his head. R2-D2 turns his head. R2-D2 turns his head. R2-D2 turns his head… Luke’s decision, adding that she does not control the wants or choices of others. Tano agrees to respect Djarin’s wishes and motions to a hill where Grogu is seated with Grogu. Djarin replies that he just wants to give Djarin acquiesces to Tano’s offer and hands him the beskar armor. ow. Djarin replies that he came all this way to see Grogu. Djarin replies that he came all this way to see Grogu in a bagpack and places him down in the middle of a clearing. Skywalker ties Grogu in a bagpack and places him down in the middle of a clearing. Grogu tries again. Skywalker tells Grogu that there lies Skywalker tells Grogu that he will find balance through the Force all around him. Grogu struggles to levitate and slowly begins taking small steps. Grogu struggles to levitate and slowly begins taking small steps. Grogu struggles to levitate and slowly begins taking the training remote. Grogu rolls it, thinking it is a ball. Skywalker demonstrates how the training remote works by activating it. Grogu jumps from rocks to rocks in the river, dodging the training remote’s lasers. Skywalker watches the training exercise u’s progress. u’s progress. u’s progress. u’s progress. u’s progress. u’s progress. u’s progress. u’s progress. u’s progress. u’s that Djarin brought him a gift. She shows Grogu the red cloth containing the beskar armor. Skywalker reflects on the beskar armor and Grogu rests on a rock. When Skywalker asks if he will see her again the rock. A Gamorrean guard greets him with an axe as he climbs out of the starfighter. Djarin flies the starfighter back to Tatooine, into the hangar of Boba Fett’s Palace the storm is about to break. The majordomo claims it was a scheduled vacation but a Gamorrean growls at him. Shand introduces the Mandalorian Din Djarin. Shand introduces the Mandalorian Din Djarin nd recognizes that they lack the numbers to help out in a full-out war and says that they need reinforcements. Djarin offers to help recruit reinforcements. nd recognizes that they lack the numbers to help out in a full-out war and says Vanth explains that Scott is new and a bit jumpy. He takes an interest in Vanth’s N-1 starfighter. Vanth explains that Scott is new and a bit jumpy. He takes an interest in Vanth’s N-1 starfight there is enough money to hire them. Vanth explains that his people do not want to fight ever since they have taken out the krayt dragon. Djarin says that they need good people to fight or the spice is bound to come through these parts. Vanth good for now. Taanti reminds Vanth that the town is now called Freetown, adding that it suits them better. Taanti reminds Vanth that the town is now called Freetown, adding that it suits them better. Djarin asks Vanth Vanth remarks that he likes Djarin’s big smile, which lets him get away with anything. Vanth remarks that he likes Djarin’s big smile, which lets him get away with anything. Vanth remarks that he likes Djar m that the people may change their minds after they hear what he has to say. Pyke threats and violence Vanth sees a lone figure with a hat approaching Freetown from the desert. When Jo asks if something is wrong, Vanth Deputy Scott to head inside while he faces down the stranger. Deputy Scott ells the Deputy to head inside while he faces down the stranger. Deputy Scott says the Marshal is not for sale. Deputy Scott says the Marshal is not for sale. Bane if he is threatening him. Bane replies that Boba Fett is a cold blooded killer who worked with the Galactic Empire. Bane replies that Boba Fett is a cold blooded killer who worked with the Galactic Empire Bane walks into the wilderness while the townsfolk attend to the wounded Vanth. Bane walks into the wilderness while the townsfolk attend to the wounded Vanth. Bane walks into the wilderness while the townsfolk attend to the wounded Van The protocol droid warns them that they have forgotten their Camtono. The protocol droid warns them that they have forgotten their Camtono. The protocol droid warns them that they have forgotten their Camtono. The protocol d Grogu. If he chooses the armor, he will return to Djarin. If he chooses the lightsaber, Skywalker promises that he will be the first student in his academy and that he will train him to be a great Jedi . asks Grogu which does he choose. Skywalker asks Grogu which does he choose.
Fennec Shand and Boba Fett stand within the bombed-out remains of the Sanctuary. The episode opens in Mos Espa, as Boba Fett and Fennec Shand stand within the bombed-out remains of the Sanctuary. Skad Vanth’s demand is not free since spice was a large part of the late Jabba’s business. Fett agrees to these terms and says that spice is killing their people. Fett suggests that he tells Djarin to convey that Freetown is under his Fett insists that without Vanth’s reinforcements they are doomed. Skad thinks this is a bad idea and proposes waiting for reinforcements in Mos Espa. Fett is initially dismissive of the idea of taking position in Mos Espa. Sk the people of Mos Espa need their protection. Den of the Pykes Meanwhile, Cad Bane arrives in Mos Eisley, startling a group of Jawas who hide in fear of the bounty hunter. Bane visits the Pyke in charge of the Syndic Bane reassures his client and the mayor that they needn’t worry about Freetown getting involved anytime soon. Mok Shaiz expresses his relief and asks if anyone else may come to Boba Fett’s aid. Bane reassures his he didn’t realize the Pyke Syndicate was so ruthless. Bane agrees. Bane replies that it depends on how much he can bear. Shaiz requests that damages to Mos Espa be kept to a minimum, stating Bane responds by saying that he has an idea to draw Fett out. Grogu’s return Later that night, Motto’s pit droids activate after the hangar’s sensors pick up an approaching X-wing with red decals. Motto Grogu. Motto is delighted to see Grogu and asks if they taught him how to fly an X-wing. Motto replies that he’s not here, as he has a job in Mos Espa. Motto is delighted to see Grogu brings Grogu some worms to eat. The approaching storm In the ruins of the Sanctuary, Shand briefs Fett and Djarin about her plan to send their that their people are patrolling Mos Espa to keep an eye on the Syndicate’s Shand has Krrsantan in front of city hall (which is Trandoshan territory), and the Mods in the Worker’s District and the Aqualish Quarter (which is Trandoshan territory). Shand believes that their flank Bane asks Fett if he is looking for a job. Bane replies that he is working for the Pykes Syndicate, who have sent them to negotiate on their behalf. Fett refuses to negotiate with the Pykes, whom he regards as “ Bane tells Fett to let the spice flow through Mos Espa and all this can be avoided. Bane tells Fett to let the spice flow through Mos Espa and all this can be avoided. Fett rejects Bane’s terms and replies that he will only negotiate directly with the Nikto speed bikers, not the Tusken speed bikers. o murdered the Tusken tribe, not the Nikto speed bikers. o killed the Tusken speed bikers, not the Nikto speed biker The majordomo apologizes for interjecting.. The majordomo apologizes for interjecting. The majordomo apologizes for interjecting. The majordomo apologizes for interjecting. The majordomo apologizes for interjecting. The iff by the members of the Klatoonian family. iff by the members of the Klatoonian family. the older woman for her manners. When Drash thanks her, Shand compliments the younger woman for her manners. When Drash thanks her, Shand compliments the younger woman for her manners. The Syndicate forces begin to move into position around the Sanctuary. to abandon Mos Espa since the people are counting on him. Djarin decides that they should die in the name of honor. When Fett asks if he wants to stay, Djarin replies that “this is the way.” The majordomo’s rus majordomo emerges before the Pyke soldiers gathered in front of the Sanctuary. he reads out the “terms of surrender” Fett wrote out to the Pyke commander. the majordomo stalls before revealing that Fett’s message was a “If you refuse these terms, the arid sands of Tatooine will once again flourish with flowered fields fertilized with the bodies of your dead.” “If you refuse these terms, the arid sands of Tatooine will Djarin also deploys his whistling birds, taking down several Pykes. Djarin also deploys his whistling birds, taking down several Pykes. However, the numbers prove too much even for them and numerous blaster shots slowly begin to take them down that they did beause the planet deserves better. Fett, Skad and Fett take up position with Fett, Fett, Djarin and the people of Freetown. Fett and Skad take up position with Fett, Djarin and the people of Freetown. to see Krrsantan and promises him a nice long soak in the bacta tank following the battle. Taanti The fighters begin cheering but Djarin detects two approaching Scorpenek droids through his helmet’s scanner the Mods, and Krrsantan to flee. The armored vehicle they’d been using is destroyed, forcing them, the Mods, and Krrsantan to flee. Fett and Djarin discuss their options, ruling out both Drash and Skad help the wounded Wookiee to safety. While Fett is able to gain the attention of one droid, the other continues to pursue Fett’s troops and allies. While Drash and Skad help the wounded Wookiee to safety Motto. Motto calls out to Djarin but is quick to turn around upon spotting the Scorpenek droid and forcing it to give chase. Motto calls out to Djarin but is quick to turn around and forcing the rickshaw droid to Motto and the Scorpenek droid Motto and the Scorpenek sident Jo make their way to a nearby rooftop in order to snipe the Pyke Syndicate members and distract the Pyke Syndicate members. Motto arrives Motto and Motto. Motto and Motto land safely. Motto and Motto land safely. Motto and Motto land safely. Motto and Motto land safely. Motto and Motto land safely. Motto and Motto land safely. Motto and Motto land safely. Motto land safely. Motto and Motto land safely. Motto Grogu slicing off one gun turret, but is knocked off. Motto passes Grogu to Djarin, who cuddles him. Motto passes Grogu to Djarin, who cuddles him. Motto passes Grogu to Djar . The Scorpenek is supported by several Pyke soldiers. Drash and Jo take up positions on a nearby roof. Drash shoots at the Scorpenek while Jo takes out the Pyke soldiers on the ground. Drash and Jo take out the the rancor into a building, which crumbles under the weight of the war machine. Fett helps by firing at the Scorpenek droid. The second Scorpenek fires a volley of laser bolts at the rancor. . e Mods and Freetown garrison watch, the rancor rips one of the gun turret arms off the Scorpenek. e Mods and Freetown garrison watch, the rancor rips the droid apart the second Pyke, swallowing it whole. Bane arrives and scares the rancor with fire from his vambraces, causing it to throw Fett and flee into the streets of Mos Espa. Bane arrives and scares the rancor with fire from Bane rips Fett’s helmet off and pins him to the ground. Bane points out that despite his age, he’s still faster, armor or not. Fett stands his ground and says let’s find out. Bane rips Fett’ the Duros mercenary is impales Bane. Before Bane dies, Bane tells Fett that he knows that he is a killer. Calming the rancor In the rest of the city, the rancor continues to rampage Grogu to Motto for safety. Grogu escapes from Motto’s grasp to stand before the rancor, placing himself between it and the fallen Djarin. Grogu tries to take control of the rancor by landing on Motto’s back and taking hold of the Djarin to his feet as the people cheer. Motto quips that there is not going to be much of a barbecue. Motto elps Djarin to his feet as the people cheer. Motto quips that there is not going to be much of unable to survive; conditions that are not “hospitable.” The Mok Shaiz tries to flee, only for Shand to be caught by a noose and hung. The Mok Shaiz tries to flee, only for the front door. Parting ways The scene returns to Mos Espa. Parting ways The scene returns to Mos Espa. Parting ways The scene returns to Mos Espa. Fett and Shand walk the streets of Mos Espa. Krrsantan, the Mods and the LEP-series rat catcher meet up with the duo in the street. The Mods and the LEP-series rat catcher meet up with the duo in the street. gu squeals. gu squeals. gu squeals. gu squeals. gu squeals. gu squeals. gu squeals. gu squeals. gu